• jborneman


    Whenever I go to my Theme Editor I get the following error:

    “Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci.”

    and to the right of that it says “‘XSilver’ theme files”

    I have multiple themes installed (installed with the theme manager plugin), but nothing called “XSilver” that I know of.

    I can edit the individual file susing the file editor, but like the theme editor because I can easily choose what theme files I need ot edit.

    thanks for any help on this.

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  • Kafkaesqui


    I’ve no idea on the cause of this, but isn’t XSilver a Drupal theme?

    Thread Starter jborneman


    That’s what I thought. I had Drupal on this same host at one point but ona whole different directory structure/DB Host than my current WP install.

    Whgat’s stranger is that I have WP on the same host account for a different full domain running and the Theme Editor works just fine for it.

    Guess I was hoping it was a silly little problem others had seen before…



    I have the same problem, but I have never installed Drupal! Are you running anything else that might be causing this error?

    I am having the same problem and don’t know why

    When you are manually entering the address for the template you wish to edit, make sure you are entering the full URL. Don’t just type style.css and expect the built-in editor to know you are talking about the style sheet for the XWY theme. You can either enter the full address or


    or something like that which links from your root directory.


    I did not manually do anything…all I did was upload themes to the theme directory. I have NO clue what youj are talking about. Sorry!

    I went to the Theme Editor in Presentation and I get this message:

    Oops, no such file exists! Double check the name and try again, merci. ‘professional’ theme files

    When you fire up the theme editor by default it loads the style.css for your current selected theme. The theme files are on the right. There are no urls involved.

    I understand that. But, it is not doing that. I don’t have a theme named professional and I don’t have drupal or any other content management system installed. I just can’t use the theme editor.

    This might be a chmod thing. Some server error messages are pretty vague and this might be one of them.

    Well, I tried to fix this, buit no luck. I uninstalled and am trying to clear up any uncessary databases on my server…I have wordpress running on another site and it’s fine, so I think there is just something funky with this install.

    thanks anyway.

    Update: Reinstalling did not work. If anyone can help me by taking a look at my files, please let me know. Thanks in advance.


    It is working now…not sure why. I was using Safari on MAc before and nothing was working now I am using FireFox on PC and all is well. Who would have thunk it! https://yarncandy.kristinandrew.com

    Moderator James Huff


    When you get back to your Mac and Safari, go to the “Safari” menu, select “Empty Cache”, hit “Empty”, quit Safari, and relaunch Safari. Your problems should be gone.

    Will try it, let you know if that works. Thank you for the help.

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