Theme function syntax?
Your testimonials plugin looks great, but could we please have an example of the syntax for calling the theme function?
You say:
<?php echo testimonialswidget_widget( $args, $number ); ?>
testimonialswidget_list] ■[testimonialswidget_list]
■[testimonialswidget_list category=product hide_not_found=true]
■[testimonialswidget_list category=product tags=widget limit=5]
■[testimonialswidget_list char_limit=0 target=_new]
■[testimonialswidget_list hide_source=true hide_url=true]
■[testimonialswidget_list ids=”1,11,111″]
■[testimonialswidget_list meta_key=testimonials-widget-company order=asc limit=10]
■[testimonialswidget_list paging=true limit=10]
■[testimonialswidget_list tags=”test,fun” random=true]
—-Can you please give an example of calling this out? Some people rarely use WP and PHP and don’t regularly setup Arrays for calling.
I get this error:
Missing argument 1 for testimonialswidget_widget(), called in /home/public_html/wp—
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