• Hello,

    In WP.com, I used the Garland theme which allowed us to use a custom menu in the header. (See: https://vtncankor.wordpress.com/)

    Now, we are self-hosting using wp.org but the Garland theme only allows Pages or Categories as header menu. What gives?

    I’d like to stay with the same theme! PLEASE HELP!!!


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  • Apart from arbitrary URLs to external sites, what else would you want? And I’m sure you can add those (URLs) from Dashboard –> Appearance –> Menus. Can’t you?

    If you want to get away from the standard (default) menu, perhaps this would be of interest to you.



    Thread Starter mirandasw7


    Hi Pae,

    We have over 20 pages and over 35 categories. What I want is to be able to choose WHICH pages and categories appear in my top header menu.

    Again, this is an option for the Garland theme in wp.com but NOT in the theme for wp.org.

    What I want (wp.com): vtncankor.wordpress.com

    What I DON’T want (wp.org): devel.cankor.ca


    I’m sorry but themes on wordpress.com are often heavily customised compared to their freely available counterparts. Bottom line: you cannot have exactly the same theme as you used on wordpress.com.

    Thread Starter mirandasw7


    …which makes no bloody sense to me. Was really hoping someone had figured a fix or a plug-in for that. It’s such a minor point!! Should be easy to remedy… anyone?

    Have you read the article at the end of the link I posted that explains how to configure your menu?



    It’s such a minor point!

    Then contact the theme’s developer. Or try customising the theme yourself.

    Oh, I see what’s going on.

    The Garland theme doesn’t support menus, so you’ll need to sort it yourself.

    You have some options:

    • Get rid of the top menu altogether and just add a custom menu as a widget in the sidebar.
    • Replace the theme’s top menu with one of your own
    • Or both, of course

    If you want to customise the top menu, you need to look at these lines of code in header.php:

    <!-- <ul class="links primary-links"> -->
    <ul id="dropmenu">
    <?php if ( get_theme_mod( 'cat_nav' )) { wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&depth=1' ); } else {  wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); } ?>
    <?php garland_admin_link(); ?>

    The simplest thing to do would be to hard code your own list in there, pointing to the things (pages/posts/etc) you’re interested in. The only problem with that would be if the list changed a lot, because every change would be a manual one.

    Is it likely to need to be very dynamic?



    Thread Starter mirandasw7


    Pae, this is exactly the help I was looking for!

    I have 6 static menu pages. Let’s say one is called “The Patriot” – how would I code it manually in the header thread?

    Sorry for being such a noob. I know only basic css like colours and image sizes..

    Really appreciate your patience ??

    Yeah. Sorry. See my later post.

    I think what esmi’s saying (and she’ll correct me if I’m wrong) is that the environment is very different once you start looking after your own WP installation.

    WordPress.com does an awful lot of stuff for you and provides an environment that is both much easier and much more restrictive. One of the consequences of this is that the themes you may have used on wordpress.com may turn out to be very different ‘in the wild’. And if you want to carry on with a known theme that you had at wordpress.com, you have to do for yourself what wordpress.com had previously done for you – like make the Garland theme support menus. In the wild, it doesn’t.

    Take a look at my last post where I explain some of the options you have. Does that help? Bear in mind we’ll help when it comes to the coding, but that we can’t do it for you.

    If not, you may have to either pick a new theme, or contact the Garland theme developers, as esmi suggested.



    the environment is very different once you start looking after your own WP installation.

    Yes but it needs to be taken a stage further. wordpress.com select existing GPL themes and then customise them heavily for use on wordpress.com sites only. Meanwhile the theme’s author may never touch his/her theme again, so it may have fallen well behind in terms of implementing the functionality offered by the very latest version of WordPress. That appears to be the case with this theme. And, unfortunately, implementing custom menus in a theme may not be an easy “fix” due to the (probably complex) CSS changes that would also need to be made.

    Sorry. Posts are getting crossed here.

    I’d start by commenting out this line:

    <?php if ( get_theme_mod( 'cat_nav' )) { wp_list_categories( 'title_li=&depth=1' ); } else { wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); } ?>

    … and replace it with my own list of links. Something like:

    <li><a href="permalink/of/first/page">First item</a></li>
    <li><a href="permalink/of/next/page">Second item</a></li>

    Then I’d have a look to see what I’ve messed up ??

    I would very, very strongly advise you to do this in a child theme. See:


    Child themes take about 5 minutes to create and can save you no end of grief later on.

    When you have a child theme, copy the parent theme’s (Garland’s) header.php file into your child theme and start making changes. Make sure you keep detailed notes of the changes you are making and that you have backups of any files you change.

    Oh! And a link to your site would make it much easier for us to give you useful help.



    Sorry again.

    I just tried it out on a local WP installation I have. It works just fine.




    Yes, you’re right of course (and as usual). I don’t think people realise quite how different the environment is: out here in the wild, as it were.

    As it happens, in this case, simply hard-coding a menu seems to be satisfactory answer. How robust it will be in the long term as people call for changes to the menu, remains to be seen.

    Like you say, implementing menu support would be a lot more challenging.



    Thread Starter mirandasw7


    Pae and Esmi, thank you so much for your help. Frustrating learning curve, but these forums can make all the difference.

    Pae, thanks again!!

    You may be interested in talking to the theme’s author:


    You’ll see that he said last July that he might update the theme when he got the time. Maybe you could motivate him!



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