• Resolved dmayur


    Hi…I have installed Education Based Theme and using Godaddys Managed WordPress. I installed String Locator but I am not able to see it in Tools…

    Wordpress version – 5.4.1
    PHP version – 7.3

    Please help…


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by dmayur.
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Marius L. J.



    Could you share a bit more about your site, if you go to Tools > Site Health > Info, it has an easy way to copy debug information, as there may be something with the setup or similar preventing it from showing up, which that would help shine a light on.

    Thread Starter dmayur


    ### wp-core ###
    version: 5.4.1
    site_language: en_US
    user_language: en_US
    timezone: Europe/London
    permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    https_status: false
    user_registration: 0
    default_comment_status: open
    multisite: false
    user_count: 1
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-paths-sizes ###
    wordpress_path: /var/www
    wordpress_size: 45.93 MB (48164212 bytes)
    uploads_path: /var/www/wp-content/uploads
    uploads_size: 42.52 MB (44581327 bytes)
    themes_path: /var/www/wp-content/themes
    themes_size: 7.42 MB (7782091 bytes)
    plugins_path: /var/www/wp-content/plugins
    plugins_size: 61.54 MB (64528810 bytes)
    database_size: 4.30 MB (4505600 bytes)
    total_size: 161.71 MB (169562040 bytes)
    ### wp-dropins (1) ###
    object-cache.php: true
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Education Base (education-base)
    version: 2.0.1
    author: acmethemes
    author_website: https://www.acmethemes.com/
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: automatic-feed-links, title-tag, custom-logo, post-thumbnails, editor-style, menus, html5, custom-background, woocommerce, custom-header, infinite-scroll, jetpack-responsive-videos, align-wide, wp-block-styles, widgets
    theme_path: /var/www/wp-content/themes/education-base
    ### wp-themes-inactive (3) ###
    Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.5, author: the WordPress team
    Twenty Seventeen: version: 2.3, author: the WordPress team
    Twenty Twenty: version: 1.3, author: the WordPress team
    ### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###
    System Plugin: author: (undefined), version: 3.16.4
    ### wp-plugins-active (8) ###
    Acme Demo Setup: version: 2.0.1, author: acmethemes
    Acme Fix Images: version: 1.0.0, author: Acme Themes
    Advanced Import: version: 1.2.2, author: AddonsPress
    Classic Editor: version: 1.5, author: WordPress Contributors
    Contact Form 7: version: 5.1.9, author: Takayuki Miyoshi
    Elementor: version: 2.9.11, author: Elementor.com
    String Locator: version: 2.4.0, author: Clorith
    Widget Options: version: 3.7.4, author: Widget Options Team
    ### wp-plugins-inactive (5) ###
    Gutenberg Blocks - Gutentor Page Builder for Gutenberg: version: 2.1.2, author: Gutentor
    Honeypot for Contact Form 7: version: 1.14.1, author: Nocean
    One Click Demo Import: version: 2.5.2, author: ProteusThemes
    WP Database Reset: version: 3.15, author: WebFactory Ltd
    WP Reset: version: 1.80, author: WebFactory Ltd
    ### wp-media ###
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    imagick_module_version: 1690
    imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-78 Q16 x86_64 2019-12-09 https://imagemagick.org
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA: 251 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK: 9.2233720368548E+18
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE: 24575
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP: 251 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY: 126 GB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_THREAD: 24
    gd_version: 2.2.5
    ghostscript_version: 8.70
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 4.4.216-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 7.3.12 64bit
    php_sapi: cgi-fcgi
    max_input_variables: 1000
    time_limit: 300
    memory_limit: 256M
    max_input_time: 60
    upload_max_size: 100M
    php_post_max_size: 100M
    curl_version: 7.45.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: false
    ### wp-database ###
    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 5.7.26-29-log
    client_version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
    ### wp-constants ###
    WP_HOME: undefined
    WP_SITEURL: undefined
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/wp-content
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/wp-content/plugins
    WP_DEBUG: false
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: false
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: false
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    mu-plugins: writable
    Thread Starter dmayur


    Did you find something??

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Waiting for the Solution….

    I am having same issue..

    ### wp-core ###

    version: 5.5.1
    site_language: en_US
    user_language: en_US
    timezone: +06:00
    permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    https_status: false
    multisite: false
    user_registration: 0
    blog_public: 1
    default_comment_status: closed
    environment_type: production
    user_count: 3
    dotorg_communication: true

    ### wp-paths-sizes ###

    wordpress_path: /var/www
    wordpress_size: loading…
    uploads_path: /var/www/wp-content/uploads
    uploads_size: loading…
    themes_path: /var/www/wp-content/themes
    themes_size: loading…
    plugins_path: /var/www/wp-content/plugins
    plugins_size: loading…
    database_size: loading…
    total_size: loading…

    ### wp-dropins (1) ###

    advanced-cache.php: true

    ### wp-active-theme ###

    name: Piquant (woocommerce/..)
    version: 1.5
    author: Mikado Themes
    author_website: https://themeforest.net/user/mikado-themes
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, woocommerce, post-thumbnails, piquant_mikado_sidebar, automatic-feed-links, post-formats, title-tag, menus, widgets
    theme_path: /var/www/wp-content/themes/woocommerce/..
    auto_update: Disabled

    ### wp-themes-inactive (6) ###

    Piquant: version: 1.5, author: Mikado Themes,Auto-updates disabled
    Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.7, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled
    Twenty Seventeen: version: 2.4, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled
    Twenty Sixteen/twentysixteen.bak: version: 1.5, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled
    Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.0, author: the WordPress team (latest version: 2.2),Auto-updates disabled
    Twenty Twenty: version: 1.5, author: the WordPress team,Auto-updates disabled

    ### wp-mu-plugins (2) ###

    rms_unique_wp_mu_pl_fl_nm.php: author: (undefined), version: (undefined)
    System Plugin: author: (undefined), version: 3.21.1

    ### wp-plugins-active (21) ###

    10Web Social Feed: version: 1.1.27, author: 10Web, Auto-updates disabled
    Caldera Forms: version: 1.9.2, author: Caldera Forms, Auto-updates disabled
    Contact Form 7: version: 5.2.2, author: Takayuki Miyoshi, Auto-updates disabled
    Disable Comments: version: 1.11.0, author: WPDeveloper, Auto-updates disabled
    Envato Market: version: 2.0.5, author: Envato, Auto-updates disabled
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: version: 8.9.1, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
    Login LockDown: version: v1.8.1, author: Michael VanDeMar, Auto-updates disabled
    Mikado Core: version: 1.2, author: Mikado Themes, Auto-updates disabled
    Mikado Instagram Feed: version: 1.0.1, author: Mikado Themes, Auto-updates disabled
    Mikado Restaurant: version: 1.0, author: Mikado Themes, Auto-updates disabled
    Mikado Twitter Feed: version: 1.0, author: Mikado Themes, Auto-updates disabled
    Slider Revolution: version:, author: ThemePunch, Auto-updates disabled
    Smash Balloon Instagram Feed: version: 2.4.6, author: Smash Balloon, Auto-updates disabled
    String Locator: version: 2.4.1, author: Clorith, Auto-updates disabled
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: version: 1.16.29, author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson, Auto-updates disabled
    WooCommerce: version: 4.0.1, author: Automattic (latest version: 4.5.2), Auto-updates disabled
    Wordfence Security: version: 7.4.11, author: Wordfence, Auto-updates disabled
    WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache: version: 3.1.4, author: David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft, Auto-updates disabled
    WPBakery Page Builder: version: 6.0.5, author: Michael M – WPBakery.com (latest version: 6.4.0), Auto-updates disabled
    WP File Manager: version: 6.9, author: mndpsingh287, Auto-updates disabled
    Yoast SEO: version: 14.9, author: Team Yoast, Auto-updates disabled

    ### wp-plugins-inactive (4) ###

    Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.6, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
    Easy WP SMTP: version: 1.4.1, author: wpecommerce, alexanderfoxc, Auto-updates disabled
    iThemes Security: version: 7.8.0, author: iThemes, Auto-updates disabled
    Under Construction: version: 3.81, author: WebFactory Ltd, Auto-updates disabled

    ### wp-media ###

    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    imagick_module_version: 1690
    imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-78 Q16 x86_64 2019-12-09 https://imagemagick.org
    file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
    post_max_size: 100M
    upload_max_filesize: 100M
    max_effective_size: 100 MB
    max_file_uploads: 20
    imagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA: 125 GB
    imagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK: 9.2233720368548E+18
    imagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE: 24575
    imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP: 125 GB
    imagick::RESOURCETYPE_THREAD: 24
    gd_version: 2.2.5
    ghostscript_version: 8.70

    ### wp-server ###

    server_architecture: Linux 4.4.216-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 7.3.12 64bit
    php_sapi: cgi-fcgi
    max_input_variables: 1000
    time_limit: 300
    memory_limit: 256M
    max_input_time: 60
    upload_max_filesize: 100M
    php_post_max_size: 100M
    curl_version: 7.45.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: true
    pretty_permalinks: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: false

    ### wp-database ###

    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 5.6.32-78.0-log
    client_version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev – 20150407 – $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $

    ### wp-constants ###

    WP_HOME: undefined
    WP_SITEURL: undefined
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/wp-content
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/wp-content/plugins
    WP_DEBUG: true
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: false
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: true
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8
    DB_COLLATE: undefined

    ### wp-filesystem ###

    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    mu-plugins: writable

    Also I checked the code..

    require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/class-string-locator.php' );
     * Instantiate the plugin
    $string_locator = new String_Locator();

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by grgizmo.
    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    @grgizmo, If you need support then per the forum guidelines please start your own topic.

    A lot more people will see your post, and that way you stand a good chance of getting the assistance you want. Despite any similarity in symptoms, your issue is likely to be completely different because of possible differences in physical servers, accounts, hosts, plugins, theme, configurations, etc. Thus one problem, on one setup is not indicative of the functionality and reliability of an application as a whole: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum-user-guide/faq/#i-have-the-same-problem-can-i-just-reply-to-someone-elses-post-with-me-too

    and: https://www.ads-software.com/support/guidelines/#post-in-the-best-place

    You can do so here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/string-locator/#new-post

    I’ll be archiving your post and mine to not spam the original poster and detract from their question.


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