Hi @damir-webthemer ,
My apologies! I misunderstood. It is possible to manipulate our results / details pages via PHP. However, we do not offer documentation on how to accomplish these types of changes.
Our product is approved as-is by each MLS we are approved with. Any changes to the product, like this, could render the website out of compliance.
You can also make changes to the CSS styling / colors and generally those types of changes would not render the site out of compliance. But actual changes to the layout could.
We do have plenty of customers / developers who have customized our product quite extensively, though, and remained in compliance with their MLS. If compliance issues are not promptly addressed an MLS may require we revoke access to the product until the issues are addressed.
Here’s just one example of a site where a developer extensively altered our layout / styling: https://prntscr.com/kwtx7c
Our Support Team may be able to offer some additional advice to you. But generally, these types of changes are not something we can support.