• Items cannot be removed from cart on mobile

    items does not show up in cart (also seen on the theme default page *for visual example)

    I know there wont be any major updates but have there been anythoughts to make a NEW woo THEME?

    if not – How about a few fixes – or point me in the right direction to fix it as its a very simple and effective theme without all the BLOAT of theme builders.

    1. header mini cart not working
    2. remove items from page cart on mobile
    3. fix width issues – remove left positioning alignment on blocks by default to display alignment given
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  • I second that. I like this theme a lot, and it is hard to come by a non-bloated Woocommerce-compatible theme …

    I had to address similar issues on my site, this is how I tackled them (this is rather quick & dirty, the main objective was to get things working for the moment, probably while sadly looking for a replacement theme):

    /sullivan/functions-woocommerce.php, line 825:
    change <div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"></div>

    to <div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"><?php woocommerce_mini_cart(); ?></div>

    /sullivan/assets/css/woocommerce-style.css, after line 2840 (.shop_table.cart td.actions > .coupon ~ .button {), add position: static;
    (So that the “Update cart” button is properly displayed again)

    also /sullivan/assets/css/woocommerce-style.css,line 2414:
    delete / comment out the following
    .shop_table.cart .cart_item .product-remove {
    display: none;

    The latter looks a bit funky (at least in my child theme), and maybe the former already suffices (set the number of items to zero, update cart).

    As to the fixed width issues you talked about, I didn’t encounter those yet. But maybe that’s something I tackled in my child theme already anyway, I don’t recall.

    Hope these help!

    Thread Starter 4blkstars


    Thanks for sharing @perdittmann

    I’ll try your edits when I get the chance.

    There’s a lot of minor fixes this theme needs as you said you’ve made changes in your child theme so I assumed it’s working for you perfectly.

    I’ve been studying this theme to make major changes as the theme is outdated with the current build in WordPress and changing the layout structure.

    I would be really interested in what you come up with!

    My child theme was working okay, until recently the issues arose that we have talked about. For now, it appears to be working, but this feels like the next disaster is just lurking around the corner …

    Thread Starter 4blkstars


    At this point, I don’t think there will be any major updates. I would like to see a new theme with support for woo.

    I tried finding a new theme unfortunately I’ve only came to the conclusion you would have to build it yourself so this comes with tons of research. A starter theme that has the latest WordPress compatibility would be my bet.

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