• Because it’s difficult enough having to explain it, I’ve gone ahead and modified the default (Kubrick 1.5) theme to provide a sidebar at all times:


    To use, unzip to the directory/folder “default_allsidebar”, upload this to your wp-content/themes/ directory on your blog’s site, and select “WP Default – AllSidebar Edition” under Presentation in WordPress.


    * Templates previously single-column reset to the ‘narrowcolumn’ id.
    * <?php get_sidebar(); ?> added to those templates which lacked it.
    * Reference in header.php to kubrickbgwide.jpg removed.
    * A tiny bit of cleanup, clarification of comments.

    I also slipped in the get_calendar() template tag, though it is commented out; to display it, remove the html comments from around it in sidebar.php.

    Note: If this steps on any toes, so be it.

    UPDATE: For those who want to display links and login info in your sidebar at all times as well, I’ve separately made available a modified version of this:


    Extract sidebar.php from the zip and replace your current one (either in default or default_allsidebar) with it.

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  • Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    newbee, the color for the sidebar on single post pages should be gray. It’s part of the image used for the background.

    Look at the source of the page through your browser (in Internet Explorer, View menu > Source) and under the style element near the top, see what the #page declaration has for the background url. This should be pointing to kubrickbg.jpg.

    Kafkaesqui, many thanks for your answer. However I’m pretty new to all of this and don’t undersatnd what you are telling me to do. I would be very grateful if you can tell me exactly what to alter in which page(s).


    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    I haven’t told you to alter anything at this point, and if you’re using an unaltered copy of the theme, you shouldn’t need to.

    So, can you see what image (if any) is showing up for the background property under the #page declaration? Look for this just by viewing the source of the page through your Web browser. You’ll find it in the style element of HTML tag, right near the top of the page:

    <style type="text/css" media="screen">

    The line you’re looking for should be something like this:

    #page { background: url("https://my.site/wp-content/themes/default_allsidebar/images/kubrickbg.jpg") repeat-y top; border: none; }

    That would explain why I couldn’t understand what to alter…lol!

    At this point I am using the original (not the all sidebar edition) altered manually as outlined above. I have found what you have asked me to and it is pointing to kubrickbg.jpg

    And if you put the URL pointing to the bg image into the address bar of your browser, you’ll see this ??

    With the greatest of respect, I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to tell me or how this helps me solve my problem…anymore than the other strand you refer to helped me answer the questions therein.

    I’ve spent days reading the forums, the codex and playing around with everything and while I undersatnd more than when I started, I still feel that I don’t know what I’m doing…probably because I dont (I’m not a programmer). So I would be really grateful if you feel you want to help me with this matter.


    I am using my own customized copy of the default K theme. The only problem I am having is no sidebar on the “comments” pages.

    Instead of switching the entire theme to the All Sidebars version, could I easily accomplish this by uploading 1 or 2 files from allsidebar to my existing theme?

    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    Netdetective: *Probably* (always a chance it can screw things up, even if it’s an extremely small chance). Try replacing the single.php template with the one from the AllSidebar Edition.

    newbee: Supporting a mod of someone elses work is hard enough, but trying to fix problems in other people’s customizing can be a chore and a half, especially considering I don’t quite know all of what you’ve changed. I’d first suggest reading through this reply to double-check the steps:


    If there are still problems, contact me off-forum (my email address is on my site – click the name –>), and we’ll see what can be done.

    Thanks Kafkaesqui! That bit on fixing Blix really helped me figure out what was going wrong with my sidebar… somebody needs to add that info into the codex! ??


    I’ve noticed that the text spacing in posts is smaller when viewing individual posts than when viewing the index, and I don’t think the normal Kubrick did this. I’ve fooled around with style.css a bit, trying to find the difference…can you explain what was changed in regard to that, so I can get them to match again?

    Apologies if this is an annoying question, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. ??

    Your suggestion worked! Swapping single.php files from all sidebars theme.

    Hi! my site looks ok everywhere including all posts. However, on pages, the sidebar flips down below or under the content. Even without any page-content the sidebar moves! And i have literally tried every page template possible including the index template.
    Its like the page functions somehow disturbs the layout , becuse, as I said, even without any content at all the sidebar moves, sometimes cousing problems also with the headpicture in explorer.
    The second problem is related to the pages…When i create a new page, i write the text i want to see on it and than i save it.The problem is that in the blog i can see the link button to my page, but when i clikc on it nothing is happening and i can’t see the content of my page
    And another thing is that when i choose a category is not simply showing the posts of that category but keep showing all the posts…
    Any info about it?!
    the blog is this…
    Thank you!

    i’ve also tried to dowload this file you got here but it dosen’ t work

    Thread Starter Kafkaesqui


    You mean this:


    It’s there; I just downloaded it. But if you’re having problems, visit my site, click the email link on the sidebar, and bug me so I can send it to you.

    now i downloaded the file but once i did the upload is till not working….Thank you for your help anyway…is really nice from you…but i’m starting to lose the faith in wordpress….

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