• Gilles M


    I am want to create a photography website. I am a neophyte when it comes to using WordPress. I really like the layout of the Minimatica theme. I have installed WP and the Minimatica theme. However, I cannot get the gallery slider to look like it does in the Minimatica demo. What is the plugin I need to get the same gallery slider? Thanks.



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  • Theme Author Daniel Tara


    You don’t need a plugin, you just need to set a featured image when editing a post (last metabox in the right column).

    Hi Daniel!

    I just installed minimatica theme too. I love it and I love all the possibilities. However, I am having an EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY difficult time incorporating video into it. I use mpeg and wmv files for my video and whenever I upload directly from my computer onto wordpress (btw I am hosted by a different company than wordpress, hostgator), it does not work. It will occur as a link TO the actual video, but not the video itself. I am wrecking my brain trying to figure it all out. Can you please help me?
    Oh yes, as seen on your demo, how can I get the images to show in the panels for the videos? Thank you!

    Hi Daniel!

    Having the same issues here, attempting to utilize the still of an embedded YouTube/Vimeo as a “featured image”

    I CANNOT get multiple pics into the header as seen in the demo! HELP! About to lose it!

    Try the plugin Video Thumbnails (by Sutherland Boswell). It automatically generates thumbnails for videos (even ones at Vimeo) and can be applied to past posts with one button. Unfortunately you can’t choose the thumbnail, but it’s the easiest thing I’ve found so far.

    Make sure you are setting Featured Images for each post.


    one hitch, but it’s working!

    (utilizing JetPack from externally-built WordPress v.3.2.1 site if that matters)

    for Vimeo, it appeared I had to put the whole URL in there (instead of just the vimeo ID) and temporarily remove the closed-brace to the shortcode. Once the plugin searched & added as the featured image, I updated for the new featured image then closed the shortcode up again! Fortunately I’m just starting out and didn’t have many videos to update.
    I already had the full URL for YouTube shortcodes and the plugin recognized the URL without my opening the braces.

    i’m also having a problem with the gallery slider. My images, no matter how large or small, end up only half showing up in the slider boxes. how can i fix this?

    @jmudphoto I had a similar problem at first. Now it is working and I don’t have to resize anything. (photos are over 2,000 long side) Make sure that you replace your featured photo on your post and that it has at least 600 x 400 dimension. WordPress has the lovely habit of using cached photos so sometimes I have to fake it out and switch them so that it refreshes then I switch back. I’m trying to do it as lazy as possible.

    My gallery slider isnt expanding. I dont know what i did but it is giving me a head ace. Is there an easy way to fix this? thanks

    60daysandnights.com is my website.

    Just setting up this theme. Really wanted the slider graphics. Seems each image has to be related to a post? Only wanted a gallery really so have I misunderstood?

    Each image needs to be on a post. When you are writing the post, look to the right near the publish button and you will see a list of templates. The default template DOES NOT generate a post that will be used by the slider. There are some templates like “Gallery” which will. Well, basically anything other than “Standard” I think – I use Gallery, Image, Aside, and Link. Also, take a look down that side a bit. There will be something that says, “Set Featured Image”. THAT is the photo which will be used on the slider.

    While you are making a post look way to the top of the post editor and see that you turn on all the bells and whistles for the page by clicking “Screen Options” and checking the boxes. The box that you want though is the one that says, “Excerpt”. The excerpt is the text that you can use if you have written a lot in the post. If you write a long post then the program tries to put it all there, resulting in the bottom of the photo half full of words with … at the end. Then use the “Excerpt” box (under the text box someplace) and put just the text you want in the caption of the slider photo.

    Some people have found it necessary to size their photos for the slider, I use the built-in function where you set the size when you insert it. That part is when you click “Show” while in the Media Gallery and chose a size – Thumbnail, Medium, Large, Full Size. I choose the size closest to the slider photos and then save and click “Use as featured image” Elsewhere you can set just what dimensions are Thumb, Medium, Large, and Full.

    As for making the slider work, other than the system requirement (it is a SWF I believe) then these steps should work. It took me about three days of non-stop cussing to figure this out and now I’ve been using it so long that I don’t think about it. So, that means it is hard to describe what worked for me – but I try.

    Great help.. Have the posts and slider working woo hoo
    I just wanted pages to show but cannot seem to do this is the gallery format

    Gallery should work. But you have to populate your gallery. Only the pictures that are IN the gallery (look at the media tab for the page – if there isn’t a gallery, you won’t get a page) I haven’t found a painless way to get a gallery. Easiest is to upload what you want. Second, but harder to make work, is to create a WordPress gallery so that you get the gallery entries, then delete it (if you don’t you’ll have two galleries) If you are using a shadow box, then you have a neat pop-up that lets you scroll through all the photos. (otherwise they just dead-end by linking away from your site) I use Lightbox Plus for mine.

    Aw heck, here is mine… https://mydigitaloregon.com (not sure I gave it before)

    Cheers Liz
    Great and simple advice, nice job on your site as well.. I have managed to get the sldier to ahem slide!!
    In your site you have Roses,, then continue reading. Is there anyway to remove the continue reading and go straight to the photos? I like the layout of Roses so how did you do that and then be able to get a bigger pic of each rose?

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