All of this is somewhat dependent on the theme, but I’m going to try and help you out anyways. Is there a Theme Options page in the WordPress Admin area? If so, you can probably put the content for the three boxes in there. If not, you can always open up index.php and insert it manually. I’m not sure how familiar you are with php and html, but all you would have to do is input the content and markup using the same classes and structure the theme creator used. So, if you do happen to input it manually, it would be something like this:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
I just copied the HTML markup from the creator’s theme, but you would just replace that with your own content and links paths. It will go below <div id="featured">....</div>
. That will take care of the 3 boxes.
As far as the jQuery rotator, I would assume there is some documentation in the theme you downloaded as to how to activate that, or you can do something like that on the Theme Options page. If you’d also like to do it manually (I don’t recommend it), you’d do something along the lines of this:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
So, I know that is all kind of vague, but I’m almost positive there is a readme file or some documentation in the theme as to how to do both of those. Or, there’s a theme option in the admin section.
Hope that helps!
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