[Theme: Raindrops] corrected coding
I appreciate the prompt update that fixed the errors in the previous update. However I really don’t think its to much to ask that you SPELL CORRECTLY, in your coding:
* fluid page main column minimam width px
if( !isset( $raindrops_fluid_minimam_width ) ){
$raindrops_fluid_minimam_width = ‘481’;
* fluid page main column maximam width px
*/if( !isset( $raindrops_fluid_maximam_width ) ){
$raindrops_fluid_maximam_width = ‘1280’;
}From functions.php. That is NOT how “minimum” and “maximum” are spelled. Those misspellings result in the 100%fluid width setting NOT WORKING CORRECTLY. Those misspellings have been in at least the last 4 updates.
Do you realize that the people who help out on this forum are volunteers and that not everyone’s first language is English? The fact that anyone helped you at all is a remarkable testament to human kindness.
Complaining about the help you’re getting is like eating a free meal at someone’s house and then saying, “I really don’t think it’s too much to ask that you don’t over-salt my soup.” It’s ungrateful and rude.
It’s this theme.
I really don’t think its to much to ask that you SPELL CORRECTLY, in your coding:
I’m with chrisvfritz on this one, and looking at your profile and reading your posts you may want to consider switching to another theme.
This one has obviously given you a lot of grief; you can continue complaining and hope it gets better or just switch to another theme.
Plus you do realise that these are theme-specific options defined by the theme’s developer. If s/he wanted to name them
, that would also be just fine. They’re just script variables and PHP couldn’t care less about the spelling as long as the code syntax is correct. Fer Pete’s sake, go do something a bit more productive with your time.They’re just script variables and PHP couldn’t care less about the spelling as long as the code syntax is correct.
Actually thats incorrect. THE CODE DOESN’T WORK WHEN ITS MISSPELLED because the incorrect spelling results in incorrect syntax. I don’t care what the options ARE, I want them to work as described by the developer. And with the code misspelled it doesn’t work. It USED to work. Several updates ago it worked fine, then the developer decided to change it, and with the word “minimam” instead of “minimum” and “maximam” instead of “maximum” the system has no idea what the code is supposed to mean, so it defaults to its own system defaults instead of what its supposed to be coded as.
And if you can point me to a better way to get the information to the developer I’d take it, but trying to go through his or her site got me no-where. And yes I was politer about it.
And actually I’ve gotten very little help here, one poster helped me when I was creating a child theme, and otherwise I’ve ended up fixing all my own problems in the end.
incorrect spelling results in incorrect syntax
Sorry? If the code syntax is incorrect, the theme would, at best, display a warning notice or, at worst, would shudder to a halt. PHP doesn’t care about spelling – English, Russian, Esperanto or otherwise – as long as the variable & function names etc are consistent.
I also noticed that this theme was updated 2 days ago. Have you updated to the latest version yet?
In theory yes, it should result in an error message, however width is one of those odd things where if the system doesn’t find a piece of code to define it then it just defaults with no error. That doesn’t mean the code is working, it just means that the system handles it without producing an actual error.
And yes I’ve updated. Thats what triggered this. Yet ANOTHER update with the width options not working correctly. Correct the spellings and presto, it works! Imagine that.
So it’s not that “minimum” etc is not spelt correctly but that the developer hasn’t been consistent with his spelling? Now that I can understand causing a problem. The theme’s developer does answer posts here but she/he isn’t around here every day. So you may need to wait a while for an “official” response. In the meantime, I can only suggest that you catalogue these issues and present them as inconsistencies or bugs rather than mis-spellings. The latter does tend to give the wrong impression. ??
Remember, the more detail you can provide to the theme’s dev, the greater the chance that the problems will be resolved fairly quickly.
Thank you for carrying out precious indication about the theme Raindrops
I have not noticed that it is the mistake of spelling.
100%fluid width setting NOT WORKING CORRECTLY.
I will check it.
I would like to correct by the next update.
I am sorry to be poor at English.
Thank you
100%fluid width setting NOT WORKING CORRECTLY.
I was check it.
When the extreme breadth is reached, is it indication of the problem that a page is not displayed in the center of a browser?
Above ploblem is correctable in following below change.
line:3078$fluid_width = '/* raindrops is fluid start */'. "\n#doc3{min-width:". $raindrops_fluid_minimum_width. 'px;max-width:'.$raindrops_fluid_maximum_width.'px;}'. "\n#container > .first{width:".$main_column_width_fluid."%;}". "\n#access{min-width:". $raindrops_fluid_minimum_width. 'px;}/* raindrops is fluid end */';
Please change below
raindrops_fluid_maximum_width works correct Raindrops and child themes.
I will contain next versions change.
Thank you
When the extreme breadth is reached, is it indication of the problem that a page is not displayed in the center of a browser?
Yes, not centered, and has a maximum width far less than 100%. Correcting “miniman” and “maximan” as I stated above solves the problem completely, but I will look at the lines you show and see what happens.
Making that change does not appear to make a difference in the appearence of the 100% fluid, at least on my system.
By the way, if your programming software will allow you to search for individual words do a search for the “miniman” and “maximan” as I’ve spotted several other lines where its spelled that way. So far correcting them don’t appear to change anything that I can see, but they may be attached to options I didn’t choose.
My blog here: https://www.scaryyankeechick.com/ is currently showing the 100%width option with the corrections to “miniman” and “maximan” but not the corrections you show.
child theme style.css
Raindrops no need below rule when child theme, please remove below code.
@import url("../raindrops/style.css");
Causes are the following style rules. ( this style rule changes a month ago )
lines: 544
#doc3{ margin:0 2%; }
change your child theme style.css
#doc3{ margin:0; }
wrong var name example is $raindrops_fluid_minimam_width not “miniman”.
this change will change to $raindrops_fluid_minimum_width.All of vars name use ‘mam’ then program is works.
not centered ploblem is different from a variable identifier.
I will change ‘100%fluid’ to ‘fluid’ next version.
The reason.
Raindrops support custom background color and image.
When user chages background image or color.
There is necessity which shows change explicitly.if you not need
$raindrops_fluid_maximam_width = '1280'; ($raindrops_fluid_maximum_width = '1280';)
add your child themes functions.php
$raindrops_fluid_maximam_width = ''; ($raindrops_fluid_maximum_width = '';)
I am sorry to be poor at English.
Thank you.
I had missed the rules change not requiring
@import url(“../raindrops/style.css”);
Is that the same now for all child theme .css files or just style.css?
Thank you for the margins code, I’d not gotten that far in my looking through the code yet.
You’re correct, as long as its a variable name the spelling is not at issue as long as its the same all the way through.
Raindrops theme detect child theme and include parent style.css after include child style.css.
All of Raindrops child theme not need CSS import style.css
You're correct, as long as its a variable name the spelling is not at issue as long as its the same all the way through
I could not be truly poor at English and was not able to recognize a mistake.
If I can ask him to teach a problem, I would like to correspond as much as possible, since a sad feeling is used on the problem of language.
I am asking for all the advice for improving theme Raindrops more.
You pointed out. The problem of ‘mam’ corrected.
Since he thinks that it becomes the live after a while, please look forward to it.
Thank you very much
Not sure I understood all of that?
If you are asking if you can correspond with me about the theme I would be happy to do so, you can contact me through my blog or my email [email protected]
Thank you for your help getting the whole problem sorted out.
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