• Having limited funds (and saving up for a ‘new’ used iMac) I come with a request for some volunteer work. A bare-bones theme featuring the following core elements…

    Overall: Warm colors, comfortable to read.

    Header; Title and sub-title only. No icons or pages or anything like that.

    Footer: Theme designer with link to designer’s page and link to www.ads-software.com to start off with. Room for page navigation and Akismet count etc. of course.

    Sidebar: Left side, containing calendar, search, and the table of contents. nothing else.

    Content: Content of course.

    Things such as categories, blogroll, archives, ads, blegging, etc. on separate pages. Pages to include sub-pages, sub-sub-pages, sub-sub-sub-pages however deep the subject goes. The TOC on pages with sub-pages expanding to include those sub-pages. So if the blog’s main page included an entry for ‘Bunnies’ in the TOC, then the ‘Bunnies’ would include entries for sub-pages in the ‘Bunnies” section of the blog. For example:

    Main Page
    3. Bunnies

    Bunnies Page
    1. Deadly Teeth
    2. Noxious Cuteness

    Noxious Cuteness Page
    1. Deadly Teeth
    2. Noxious Cuteness
    -1. Affect on Morally Upstanding Demons
    -2. and Persistent Itching

    I’m basically looking to simplify my blog and get a cleaner look. Non-exclusive of course, because I don’t have the money for exclusive work. Voluntary because I don’t have the money for contract work. Now, if you happen to know of a theme that just needs a few changes to do what I’m looking for, let me know and provide instructions for revising the CSS for this pared down version.

    If nothing else, I hope this request leads to a new kind of WordPress blog theme.

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  • There is a lot of misconception in your request above. Just for the record: everything that comes after the line

    Things such as categories, blogroll, archives, ads, blegging, etc. on separate pages.

    is NOT a theme issue – it is about organizing your content. Not to mention that you seem to not understand the basic difference between posts and Pages.

    Thread Starter mythusmage



    Organizing content is not part of theme design?

    And what’s with the rudeness? As moderator aren’t you supposed to be setting an example for others? And how do I confuse posts and pages? Are pages to be used for one thing only? Why?

    Moshu may be a lot of things, but rude is definitely not one of them. Sounds to me like you don’t want to learn anything and take very personally anything that is contrary to your post.

    I assume you are here on this forum to learn things. He gave you some very good advice and information in that post above. Rather than take him to task on what you perceive to be rudeness (and if you think this is rude, then you should probably turn off your computer and leave online life behind), examine what he said and learn from it.

    There is none so blind as he who will not see.


    Now to expand upon what Moshu was trying to tell you, posts and Pages are two different animals and behave in two different ways. This is inherent in the way WP was designed, and if you want to know more about it, then start here:

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