• Resolved wanders123


    I am looking for a simple theme with title and tagline, header image and menu bar that supports pages and not posts. I’m trying to redo a website for a community and we simply need pages and not blog posts. Does such a beast exist?

    [Email redacted – We don’t provide email support here]

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  • Ayman


    You can use almost any theme to build what you need. the default theme would be good for that. WordPress gives you the ability to create as much as you want of pages and not just posts.
    You can do that by going to: Pages -> Add New

    And you can even create your custom menu so you can decide what to show in your menu bar. You can do that by going to: Appearance -> Menus

    Than you can use one of the pages you created as the front page for the website by going to: Settings -> Reading

    Thread Starter wanders123


    Thanks, That seems to work. Now I’m trying to figure out how to put a email address on the site so that you can click on it and it will open up an email client. I know that in the old html (and probably xhtml it was but don’t know if that works with wordpress.




    Happy that you found your way around.
    It’s not suggested to change or add customizations in the original files of your theme. Instead create first a child theme and then apply your changes there. you can learn more here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes

    Once your child theme is ready you can add your HTML code of the email where you want (Footer, Header, …)

    It’s as you said is very simple you can:
    1- use the mailto tag and you are good to go.
    2- Use the build in function of WordPress which will help you to create encrypted email link to block spam bots. Learn more here:https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/antispambot

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