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  • OK OK, so I figured this one out, added this code to header.php

        var ie7or8 = false;
    <!--[if IE 8]>
            ie7or8 = true;
    <!--[if IE 7]>
            ie7or8 = true;

    And then just made a simple if / else based on the ie7or8 variable in showcase.js

    This is probably a really sloppy way to do the code, but it works. It also highlights that the above CSS fix doesn’t work properly, but I’ve got another support topic about that.


    Seems to be working in Safari 5 and Firefox 5, but haven’t tested in IE or Chrome as yet.

    Johan, did you get the longer fade transitions you wanted? I would love to know how to do it if you have…



    Hi again,

    I’m figuring something like this …

    $(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.33);

    Has to go in the code Johan kindly posted, but where and how … ??



    @realepicurean I made the jquery mod and the slider is working beautifully in Chrome, FF etc but I am having the image width display issue. (IE9 as well as IE 7 and 8.)

    I’ve added the statement and var declaration to header.php but I’m not sure where and how to to insert the if/then statement into your childtheme showcase template – can you help?

    Thanks for any assistance!

    Thank you, @realepicurean, for the jquery mod. Going to try that shortly.

    @woslet, I haven’t tried this yet, but in searching for fixes to the IE problems, came across this ticket:

    which provides link to patch file diff.txt:

    Does this help with the width display issue? (I’m getting ready to test it, too, but saw your post & thought I’d at least post this much so far…)


    Wosley, it goes in the showcase.js file…let me know if you need help with that.

    Strangeshe, it helps but doesn’t fix. It will show one image almost OK but I had to disable the slider…

    Thanks, realepicurean.

    I found that disabling the autoslide did not seem to make much difference, so I’ve kept it active on my live site — just have to hope visitors are twitchy enough with the mouse to accidentally reveal the images in the Featured Posts area while I hunt down a fix. Ha!

    I’ve posted my experiences to date at (much!) length in the other topic over here. (I apologize for wordiness. A failing of mine when trying to explain something like this problem.)

    Still hunting and hoping someone will find the answer soon…



    Hi folks
    Different issue… My second featured post (“featured-post-2”) is mostly stuck below the area of the featured posts section. I can see a sliver of the top of it appear. Any ideas? It’s supposed to slide up, yes? It just isn’t moving. The 6 lines of -moz-transition stuff is present and untouched in my child style.css file.
    I implemented the awesome auto thing posted above and can tell it’ll work, by the way.

    Thanks a lot Johan and Archondigital for your tips on how to animate the slides automatically. It works fine.

    But does anybody knows how to change display of recents posts (not featured) on the second static page configurer in Settings/Reading ?

    Only first post is displayed with his intro and image. Others are only on one texte line (title). I’d like to have all recents posts not featured displayed as the first one.

    See exemple on

    According to WP help, display of thoses posts are ruled by index.php, but I don’t see what shoudl be modified in this file to have all recents posts displayed as the first.

    Below is my index.php file

    Thanks for any help or suggestion.

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    Finally found where and how to do. This is in shwocase.php, in section recent-posts. Below is the orginal code. It displays the most recent post (not featured) in excerpt mode, and the others recents posts in title mode.

    // The first Recent post is displayed normally
    if ( $recent->have_posts() ) : $recent->the_post();
            global $more;<code></code>
    	$more = 0;
    	get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
    	echo '<ol class="other-recent-posts">';
    // For all other recent posts, just display title and comment status.
    while ( $recent->have_posts() ) : $recent->the_post(); ?>
    	<li class="entry-title">
    	<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyeleven' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
    	<span class="comments-link">
    		<?php comments_popup_link( '<span class="leave-reply">' . __( 'Leave a reply', 'twentyeleven' ) . '</span>', __( '<b>1</b> Reply', 'twentyeleven' ), __( '<b>%</b> Replies', 'twentyeleven' ) ); ?>

    In order to display all recents posts in excerpt mode, I just have replaced the if … next by a while … endwhile in the first part of the code, and commented all the second part.

    while ( $recent->have_posts() ) : $recent->the_post();
            global $more;<code></code>
    	$more = 0;
    	get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
    	echo '<ol class="other-recent-posts">';

    And it works fine so.

    Thanks for the solution to this especially Johan van der Wijk and Archondigital.

    I’m just wondering if anybody successfully got fade effects working on the showcase slider as the transitions look a bit raw without effects…


    The reason it looks like there is a fading transition is because there already is one. However, it’s not being done by jQuery or any other JavaScript, it’s being done with CSS3.

    .featured-posts section.featured-post {
    	-webkit-transition-duration: 200ms;
    	-webkit-transition-property: opacity, visibility;
    	-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease;
    	-moz-transition-duration: 200ms;
    	-moz-transition-property: opacity, visibility;
    	-moz-transition-timing-function: ease;

    Change the 200ms to your desired duration. If you don’t want to rely on CSS3 and would rather use jQuery, I’ve written a new showcase.js that you may use.

    Enjoy. ??

    // Author: Devon Zara (
    // Date: Dec. 11th, 2011
    // Description: Rewritten 'showcase.js' for the 'twentyeleven'
    // WordPress theme.
    // For the jQuery fade to function, you must remove, comment, or
    // over-rule the CSS3 animations in your stylesheet,
    // found next to the selectors:
    // 	   .featured-posts section.featured-post
    	$(document).ready( function()
    		// Automatic transitioning
    		var fadeshow = true;
    		// Time between transitions
    		var delay = 3000;
    		// Length of transition
    		var speed = 1000;
    		// System variables
    		var timer = null;
    		var busy = false;
    		// These next two lines do a few additional
    		// resets to the CSS so that jQuery functions
    		// properly.
    		$( '.featured-posts section.featured-post' ).css({ display: 'none', visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1 });
    		$( '.featured-posts #featured-post-1' ).show();
    		$('.feature-slider a').click( function( e ) {
    			if( !busy )
    				transition([0], this.hash );
    		function transition( target, hash )
    			busy = true;
    			// Stop the timer
    			if( fadeshow )
    				clearTimeout( timer );
    			// Do nothing if the same slide has been clicked
    			if( $( '.feature-slider' ).attr( 'href' ) != hash )
    				// Do we have a valid target?
    				if( typeof target == 'undefined' ) {
    					target = $( '.feature-slider' ).parent().next().children( 'a:first' );
    					// Was there a next sibling? If not, go to the first.
    					target = ( typeof target[0] == 'undefined' ) ? $( '.feature-slider li:first a:first' ) : target;
    					hash = target.attr( 'href' );
    				// Change the buttons
    				$( '.feature-slider' ).removeClass( 'active' );
    				target.addClass( 'active' );
    				// Get the previous slide.
    				var prev = $( hash ).prev();
    				// If we're at :first, the previous slide was :last.
    				// However, our buttons are the :last child so we'll use them
    				// as a starting point and then crawl to the previous sibling.
    				prev = ( typeof prev[0] == 'undefined' ) ? $( '.feature-slider' ).prev() : prev;
    				// Begin fading...
    				prev.fadeOut( speed );
    				$( hash ).fadeIn( speed, function() {
    					// Restart the timer
    		function startTimer()
    			if( fadeshow )
    				timer = setTimeout( transition, delay );
    			busy = false;

    Update: Just noticed a bug in the previous file I attached which caused it to not function properly in FireFox. I’ve added some error checking so that it’s more stable across multiple browsers.

    // Author: Devon Zara (
    // Date: Dec. 11th, 2011
    // Description: Rewritten 'showcase.js' for the 'twentyeleven'
    // WordPress theme.
    // For the jQuery fade to function, you must remove, comment, or
    // over-rule the CSS3 animations in your stylesheet,
    // found next to the selectors:
    // 	   .featured-posts section.featured-post
    ( function( $ )
    	$( document ).ready( function()
    		// Automatic transitioning
    		var fadeshow = true;
    		// Time between transitions
    		var delay = 3000;
    		// Length of transition
    		var speed = 1000;
    		// System variables
    		var timer = null;
    		var busy = false;
    		// These next two lines do a few additional
    		// resets to the CSS so that jQuery functions
    		// properly.
    		$( '.featured-posts section.featured-post' ).css({ display: 'none', visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1 });
    		$( '.featured-posts #featured-post-1' ).show();
    		$('.feature-slider a').click( function( e ) {
    			if( !busy )
    				transition(, this.hash );
    		function transition( target, hash )
    			busy = true;
    			// Stop the timer
    			if( fadeshow )
    				clearTimeout( timer );
    			// Do nothing if the same slide has been clicked
    			if( $( '.feature-slider' ).attr( 'href' ) != hash )
    				// Do we have a valid target?
    				if( isNull( target ) ) {
    					target = $( '.feature-slider' ).parent().next().children( 'a:first' );
    					// Was there a next sibling? If not, go to the first.
    					target = ( isNull( target ) ) ? $( '.feature-slider li:first a:first' ) : target;
    					hash = target.attr( 'href' );
    				// Change the buttons
    				$( '.feature-slider' ).removeClass( 'active' );
    				target.addClass( 'active' );
    				// Get the previous slide.
    				var prev = $( hash ).prev();
    				// If we're at :first, the previous slide was :last.
    				// However, our buttons are the :last child so we'll use them
    				// as a starting point and then crawl to the previous sibling.
    				prev = ( isNull( prev ) ) ? $( '.feature-slider' ).prev() : prev;
    				// Begin fading...
    				prev.fadeOut( speed );
    				$( hash ).fadeIn( speed, function() {
    					// Restart the timer
    		function startTimer()
    			if( fadeshow )
    				timer = setTimeout( transition, delay );
    			busy = false;
    		function isNull( param )
    				return ( typeof param[0] == 'undefined' || typeof param[0] == 'undefined' || param < 1 || !param ) ? true : false;
    			catch( err )
    				return true;
    })( jQuery );

    It works perfectly but doesn’t loop – it gets to the end of the featured posts, then doesn’t show the first one again, instead continuing to show the final featured post image.

    Any ideas?

    Hmm, I didn’t have time to do rigorous testing. I only had two images setup and it worked fine, looped as it should have.

    I’ll look into it. What OS/Browser’s and versions are you experiencing this in?

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