• Hello

    I have a child of twenty-eleven running here: https://www.coolerprojects.com/ and would like to address two small changes. The first is knowing what code to change in content-single.php to enable me to put the post author at the top of the post, under the date, rather than getting list amongst the tags at the bottom.

    Second, to me, aside from heading 4 which is in capitals by default, heading 1, 2 and 3 all seem to be the same size. Why is this? I have not altered that part of the style at all.

    Thank you in advance.


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  • You need to change the following so that it doesn’t output the author data (unless you want to display it in both places:

      /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
      $categories_list = get_the_category_list( __( ', ', 'twentyeleven' ) );
      /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
      $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', __( ', ', 'twentyeleven' ) );
      if ( '' != $tag_list ) {
        $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentyeleven' );
      } elseif ( '' != $categories_list ) {
        $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted in %1$s by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentyeleven' );
      } else {
        $utility_text = __( 'This entry was posted by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>. Bookmark the <a href="%3$s" title="Permalink to %4$s" rel="bookmark">permalink</a>.', 'twentyeleven' );
    	esc_url( get_permalink() ),
    	the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ),
    	esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) )

    What’s happening here is that the code is building up the string to output. The variable $utility_text contains a number of placeholders that get filled in by values that follow it in the printf() statement at the end. So to get rid of the author data from this string you need to get rid of this from the $utility_text in all the different parts of the if() statement:

    by <a href="%6$s">%5$s</a>

    To put the author details at the top, you will want to use the output from get_the_author(), formatted however you want in whatever position you want. Presumably somewhere up with the title and the date.



    the author info is already there with the date; just hidden through css ( by design = theme feature ), because you have only one author in your site.

    in style.css of your child theme, add:

    .single-author .entry-meta .by-author {
    	display: inline;

    (if you want to remove the author from below the post, follow @peredur’s suggestion)

    the header sizes are reset at the start of style.css of twenty eleven:

    html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
    a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
    del, dfn, em, font, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
    small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
    dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
    fieldset, form, label, legend,
    table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
    	border: 0;
    	font-family: inherit;
    	font-size: 100%;

    Thread Starter MsCrow


    Thank you for both solutions, it’s good to now how the code works. I chose to go with the css one as I am happy not to alter another php file!

    Can you explain the reset? I see the font is 100% but why is there no visible difference between h1, h2 and h3? I thought these were always a proportion of each other as standard?

    You can style any element in any way you like. That’s the beauty of CSS.

    Whether site designers always make wise choices is, perhaps, another matter.



    Thread Starter MsCrow


    Hello PAE, what do you mean? If it’s a criticism, happy to hear

    What don’t you understand? I can’t think of any way of being more explicit.

    The set of all possible styles for a selector is the set of all the possible combinations of all the possible values of all the possible properties allowed for that selector.

    The property font-size is an allowed property for all the h[1-6] selectors.

    Some of the possible styles may not be good design choices.

    Some designers choose styles that may not be good design choices.



    Thread Starter MsCrow


    Yeah sorry, you lost me there.

    It was my understanding that twenty-twelve does not hard code font sizes. In the style sheet there is no h2 = 1.2em type statement. I thought they were all a proportion of each other.

    I have not altered any of these in my child theme. I therefore don’t understand why there is no visual difference between h1, h2 and h3 in my posts. It doesn’t matter which I select, they all look about 12pt print size.

    “Some of the possible styles may not be good design choices.” Are you seeing something that you don’t consider a good choice?

    Alchymyth already posted the CSS that resets all the headers to 100%. That makes them all the same, right? Actually, it sets them all to the users preferred font size (or the size in the default style sheet if the user hasn’t overridden it).

    And no, they’re not a proportion of each other. The default style sheets of most browsers set them to be certain sizes (which is why twenty eleven resets everything), and there is a certain amount of agreement amongst browsers; but there is nothing in the standard.

    They are then reset to some specific size according to context. For example:

    .entry-content h3,
    .comment-content h3 {
    	font-size: 10px;

    If there’s no difference between font sizes in your posts it’s because the last rule encountered set them to the same size (probably the reset rule at the top of the style sheet). Check it out in Firebug.

    And please don’t use points on the Web. Pixels if you must, but percentages and ems are much better.

    You also seem to be confused as to what an em is. It is not an absolute size. It is the width of a capital ‘M’ in the current font at the current font size. So if I’m in some text where the current font is Arial and the current font size is set to 200%, 1em will be the size of a capital ‘M’ in Arial at 200% size (i.e. twice as wide as if the current size was 100%). And if the font for the text had been set to a different font, the width of an ‘M’ would be different.

    As to bad design choices…

    Haven’t you seen any badly designed web pages? I have (and some of them have been mine, unfortunately)



    Thread Starter MsCrow


    “it sets them all to the users preferred font size”
    Testing the site using an ipad, my laptop and another laptop we noted the headings looked the same regardless of whether h1, h2 was selected by the editor. I get the 100% thing, I still do not understand why the headings are not different.

    I could only find the entry-content h2 and h3 as hard coded pixels. I never use pt, I was visually describing what I’m seeing. I also know an em is a relative size depending on user settings.

    All this still doesn’t explain why h1, h2 etc come out the same when a user edits a post a selects it from the kitchen sink eg the style sheet. What am I missing?

    They are all set to 100% as alchymyth pointed out. That’s the same, right? If 100% means (in the context of the default style sheet) 14px, then they’ll all be set to 14px. If the default style sheet says that 100% is 12px, they’ll all be 12px, but they’ll all be the same size. Whatever that size is.

    Unless some other rule resets it, they are all going to be the same size.

    The wonder is not that they are the same, it’s that they are different after being reset.



    i just recently updated to this twently eleven theme and I too am unhappy with the h1, h2 ,h3 not being what they used to. I have read this entire post but I just have not found a way to unreset the rule that makes all the h1 h2 h3 etc, the same size.

    What do I have to change to get the headings to be of different sizes again?

    Real noob here in css editing.


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