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  • Do you want to remove it sitewide? From everything?

    Should be able to go to settings->discussion and turn off commenting

    If you just want to do it for pages, you’ll need to edit those pages and turn off comments. If you don’t see the option to do that, enable the discussion options from the screen options tab.

    (Or, can be done from the ‘quick edit’ option in the pages->view all page)

    I used the twentyeleven theme and spent hours hacking it to get to what I want. However I found out that my site is not displaying ‘the same’ (as via big screen browsers) on safari on smartphone.
    This is rather annoying especially as the theme is ‘supposed’ to be customised for small screens.
    Am I the only one having such problem?

    please start your own topic.

    Do not edit the Twenty Eleven theme. It is the default WordPress 3.2 theme and having access to an unedited version of the theme is vital when dealing with a range of site issues. Create a child theme for your changes. Once your child theme is active, we should be able to help with the customisation.

    Thread Starter mimacdonald


    I figured out the answer to my problem. All I had to do is delete everything in the COMMENTS.PHP section.

    @esmi, all due respect, a lot of us out here don’t have the skills necessary to create child themes. All we can do is hack away at it. Until creating child themes comes under the same or similar realm as old fashioned WYSIWYG then I’m afraid it’s hack away for me until I get it the way I want it to look.

    Thanks mimacdonald. Yes it will take a considerable amount of time and effort to look into child themes which I don’t have right now.
    I have hacked the theme too and have now installed a difference theme. BTW what is your website? I want to see if it loads ok on mobile.Mine didn’t load (with the twentyeleven) ok on mobile

    all due respect, a lot of us out here don’t have the skills necessary to create child themes

    I find that pretty much impossible. A child theme, to create, involves making one folder on your computer, and 1 file in notepad or whatever, to place in that folder. You would then need to modify about 20 characters in that file (style.css). That is the extent of creating a child theme.

    If I may try to explain the importance of @esmi’s advice. Twentyeleven is a CORE theme. It ships with WordPRess. So, whenever WP gets an update, the opportunity may be taken to update 2011 for bugfixes, security, formatting, etc. If ANY file which you edited in 2011 has been updated in any way by the WP team, your file will be replaced. So essentially, you will lose any of your changes, and not even know it happened.

    Also, if WP breaks, and it does. Say you change a simple setting, or install a plugin. Any number of things which seem to have nothing to do with your theme…. well, if anything like that causes your site to go down, one of the basic and vital steps on troubleshooting is to delete/rename your active theme so that WP can automatically revert to the default theme. If you don’t have an unedited 2011 to fall back on, you can’t troubleshoot, and we can’t help.

    Check that article out on my site, if you wish. I try to explain in plain English how simple a child theme can be to make, and the importance of one.


    twentyeleven is designed to NOT look the SAME on mobile browsers

    It is designed to adapt to them. The layout intentioanlly changes to better fit a mobile screen. You will find that to be the case with all responsive themes.

    Thanks Rev.Voodoo.

    Ok. However I find that a table didn’t display on the mobile browser.
    So I do not know how this will work if I will to have pages with tables etc..
    I think one would expect the Menu to appear as ‘it is’ rather than being wrapped round on mobile browser which is the case with this theme.

    I suspect others who use this theme probably don’t have tables or Menu items more than 3 items or they don’t care about mobile display etc.

    Anyway I have now installed a different theme.

    I have no experience with tables. But there is nothing in the responsive structure that affects tables in any way, strictly speaking. I’m not sure what is causing that.

    I will admit, I’m not a giant fan of the menu handling either. That’s definitely less than ideal, although I’m not sure what would be better…. it’s something I’m working on with a theme I’m designing now.

    Hopefully your new theme suits your needs well!

    Thanks again Rev.Voodoo.
    I suspect (most) folks who are using this theme are not aware that their sites are not showing ‘as is’ on mobile browsers. One should not have to hack or fiddle/configure the Menu display – which draws the line for me. Hence I switched to a different theme.
    Yeah..spending yet more time in setting it all up again..twentyeleven is definitely not for me after having hacked to get the image slider to work and then to find that the Menu and tables are not showing ‘as is’ on mobile browsers – this I consider as ‘non-responsive’ features of twentyelevent. Surely one should not have to do a child theme for the Menu too…

    I have built 2 other WordPress sites and I have to admit doing this 3rd site (using the twentyeleven) took more time than I have planned for.
    Good luck with your theme and let me know when you’re done with, also keen to find ‘great themes’!

    Get the child theme going or you will end up pulling your hair out at the next upgrade. What you need to do is find easy instructions. Some of these guys are too far advanced to make much sense and are not techno educators. JUst keep looking for good instructions on making a child theme, you do not make a theme from scratch you merely copy the right files one by one as you need them to the child theme folder on your web host server. Geeze if you do not understand file management you should take a moment to learn that first and then get the website all skookum. NOt know this basic stuff is a big hole that will haunt you.

    Thank you Rev Voodoo! I was able to remove the boxy comment form with your helpful advice. Keep up the good works.

    Been searching a while for this answer, and have to say by far the easiest solution was the “quick edit” option. Worked a treat! Cheers!

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