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  • Kurt



    You’ll need to use the WordPress menu option. Go to: Appearance => Menus.
    Create a new menu. Call it Main Menu. Save the menu.

    On the left side is a box – Theme Locations. Click on the drop down and select Main. Click on Save. This tells WordPress to use the Main Menu where the template indicates the Main menu is located.

    Next, scroll down if necessary to see the Pages box. Select Home. Click on Add to menu. The Home navigation option will appear on the right side, in the large box.

    Above the Pages box is the Custom Links box. In the URL box, place the URL to your about page.It might be: . In the Label box, type the text you want to appear in the navigation bar. Click on Add to menu.

    The Home and About navigation options should appear in the box on the right. Click on Save Menu. Go back to your WordPress blog and refresh your browser. Test the links to make sure they work.

    These instructions are for the 2010 theme (since you didn’t indicate which theme you are using). Your theme might have different theme locations.

    Thread Starter emeritus


    Thanks ALOT Kurt that worked like a charm! ??




    You’re welcome!

    WordPress rocks!

    Great instructions, easily-enough adapted to Twenty-Eleven. Worked for me as well, with thanks!

    I too have the current Twenty-Eleven theme and am trying to figure out how to make the “blog” link on my main menu bar open up to a blog thread, like the main page features, which has the side bar items and a running list of furture posts/articles I plan to post. I want the main page to maintain its current single post at all times. Any idea how to do this? The menu settings in the admin states Twenty- Eleven only servers one menu at a time.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


    @bryan – you’re more likely to get help if you start your own thread per the forum guidelines. This thread is already marked resolved and it’s old.

    Oooops! Thanks!

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