• I’m building a multisite with blogs in different languages; theme ist twentytwelve. Here’s the problem: The german subblog shows english messages, though the language files delivered with the theme are there in the “languages”-directory. The subblog is set to “german” in the Blog-settings.

    This problem seems to occur only with multisites, in non-multisite use the language files work fine. I tried with theme twentyeleven, it’s the same.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Does this happen with other themes?

    Thread Starter studio2


    It’s the same with all WordPress standard themes (Default, Classic, Twentyeleven, Twentytwelve). Two commercial themes (e.g. xtreme framework) show the german translations (placed in their own languages-directory of course).

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