Theme Validation
This is my first WordPress site and also my first attempt at validating a WordPress site. And I’m a bit confused about how to correctly accomplish this. Or at least the best/most effective way to do so ..
The WP Codex suggests validating individual template pages, not just the main page, which makes sense.
If I type in my main page into the Validator, every thing checks out. But I’m concerned about other template files validating as well.
Does that mean I need to run such pages as “” (assuming that it references header.php, single.php, sidebar.php, ETC .. displaying a “single post” view) through the Validator to check the, er, validity of the overall code for single.php?
When I try to validate just the template file /wordpress/wp-content/themes/my-theme/single.php, I get a few errors concerning missing DOCTYPEs and such .. and then it seems to stop checking the document after that.
So am I correct in assuming that the only option is to just submit multiple “views” of the overall site to the Validator in order to get the correct output?
Is there any effective way to Validate the site in its entirety?
Any thoughts/input/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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