@anselma? I hope your problem has been resolved and that CSS works for you. We’re all including yourself unpaid volunteers here and it’s always satisfying when someone’s contributes here. That’s true for all the moderators too, no one gets paid to contribute here.
This is a community effort and anyone who replies is genuinely trying to help you on their own time and that’s very cool. ??
Now if you’ll excuse me while I go off topic for a moment.
afzaal1985? I’ve removed your snarky comment and personal attack on Andrew. I’m replying here so you do not disparage my teammate further: It’s not him that edited your comment it’s me.
Thank you for taking the time to help Anselma out. As I’d mentioned this is a free volunteer effort and the community support is the best. I’m not the most savvy CSS person (gross understatement!) and much thanks for helping out as you do.
I’d appreciate it if next time you could do that without the side comment about one of the moderators. ??