• Hey all!

    Ok here is the deal I have purchased a few items of themeforest, 4 themes amounting to more than $120 and a few plugins.

    Firstly I purchased a theme called KARMAG THEME, it was on themeforest the author was ”’Karma Themes ” and the theme seemed never to do what he had displayed on the demo, you could never put pictures in a post neither could you put videos in it.

    Ok so I kept emailing the Designer Karma Theme ok, he did not do much about it then after a few weeks I got irate and went onto ”Themeforest.net” and found out that ”Karma Themes” was no longer making themes and when I tried to email me his exact reply was ” Sorry we no longer making wordpress themes , they dont pay our bills and good luck” after I had paid $45.

    Ok… I emailed Themeforest on there envato website and I enquired about the theme, and they told me ” I would have to speak to the author” ..hmmmmm…

    I let it slide, I then purchased the ”Impulse theme” By skyali.. it turned out that this theme was just as faulty

    >>>>LINK TO THE THREAD https://themeforest.net/item/impulse-clean-magazine-theme/discussion/1500221 <<<<<< OK IM CUTEANDBRONZED.

    Right so after weeks of waiting I contact envato because Im not willing to lose again, so this time I complain and they agree to refund 40 dollars back into my ”Themeforest account” so I purchase The ”Newspaper blog theme >>>>>> ( link to theme ) https://themeforest.net/item/newspaper-blog-and-magazine-wordpress-theme/2960224

    Ok So I then installed the theme and guess what the ”web designer” if i can barley call him that made a theme were you have to short code the front page togther, as in the whole front page!…

    I know about short coding but the whole page, why is there no drag and drop or theme options that allow for column building? Even free themes can do better than this. (take a look link to screen grab) >>>>> https://imgur.com/igU8D <<<<

    Thats not even all he says that you can import ”demo options” and he imports like 30 odd posts with dummy text and his own catogries that obvioullu have nothing to do with your blog ( Take a look link attached ) >>>>>>> https://imgur.com/KbPkt <<<<<<<

    Im angry not because I spent mony it becasue Im sitting with two blogs that dont have the themes I want or paid for, becasue I have spent weeks looking for themes, when I wanted just to carry on publishing articles.

    Im saddened that I actually tried to put my best foot forward and make my blogs look good and ”Themeforest.net” took my money and walked and Im sitting with two blogs that need themes, i’m still looking fore a themeclub because honestly Im not going to be loosing here, ”Themeforest will lose a paying client”

    Im tell you what I have been tempted to use nulled themes, but I never did there are 1000 and 1 websites were I could get the very same themes I have paid for free but i didnt, instead im sitting with ”naked blogs” with free www.ads-software.com themes ok.

    But Ill tell you what Im going over to a diffrent theme providor and themeforest.net will loose there reuptation and evertually there money, ill have the last laugh

    lastly ”Wordpress” needs to come down on themeforest because they are running a scam, why? because any tom dick and harry can throw themes into themeforest.net call themesleves authors and make a quick buck.

    Therres button on the admin page that openly invites people to design themes, ok? so if any tom dick and harry can design themes in photoshop..why are you charging people?

    anyway Im not going to speak to theme =forest about there ”web designer” with the last theme im tired its been months

    Im just lending a hand to anyone who is considering buyinga theme on there


    last not…

    I have a sneaky suspicion that these designers lift code from each other there too many themes on there with the same layout not to be true.

    and I have a sneaku feeling that some of those plugins are from the www.ads-software.com plugin directory and they have just been renames

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  • ‘WordPress” needs to come down on themeforest because they are running a scam

    www.ads-software.com distributes and documents the WordPress application but has no connection with any site selling WordPress themes. I can only suggest that you have a read of this article on downloading themes.

    Thread Starter cuteandbronzed


    https://imgur.com/CR<<<&lt; SCREEN GRAB TO KARMAG BEING REMOVED!

    There are some very good developers and themes on ThemesForest, but unfortunately many poor ones. It really is a case of buyer beware when purchasing a theme from a marketplace like ThemeForest.

    If you’re not really sure what to look for when purchasing a commercial WordPress theme, its best to stick with the main reputable premium theme companies.

    Well then premiumwp, how do we neophytes know who “the main reputable premium theme companies.” are.

    Please advise.

    @bo Hill

    By using the same methods one would use for any other consumer purchase decision. Research and information on the service provider, and the published feedback from others. Just like you would any other product.

    • See what others are saying about what you are interested in.
    • Read the support threads relative to the item(s) you have interest in
    • Google-Fu the hell out of the developer, the product, their support, their business model and their affiliates.

    Then make an informed decision based on all of the available information you can find.

    Not sure about the quality of the theme, but as far as a shortcode for the front page, it does state in the description “The magazine type content handled by shortcodes”

    From my experience in buying premium themes, I always read through comments and see what other buyers have said. If it’s bad, then I move on, if there’s 300 comments of nothing but questions about how to change footer text and nothing major, chances are the theme is ok.

    I’ve had good experiences with Themify, woo themes and elegant themes.

    From my experience in buying premium themes, I always read through comments and see what other buyers have said.

    Exactly that… Probably 50% of my decision making process is influenced by what I see in the support discussions for what I’m interested in. And most of that (for me, anyhow) relates to how the developer responds to and handles any issues.

    I’ve also made purchases from developers featured on Themeforest. Some were absolutely outstanding, and then there were others that were simply, “Meh”. That’s just part of the process.

    I had a similar experience with Envato, so my advice is: dont buy anything from themeforest, as they are sold by Envato.com, a scammy sales site sells crappy themes that don`t work, and then their support department does not want to honor any refunds! buyer beware!



    I’ve only bought one theme off of ThemeForest.net, but the theme worked wonderfully and the author seems like a good guy as he quickly answered any questions I had.

    As ClaytonJames said, I checkout the support discussions for a theme before ever buying it. If people are having major problems with the theme, then I stay away. I also buy from people who have developed a good amount of themes. If it’s someone’s first theme on ThemeForest.net, I stay away.

    But, really, with themes it’s always buyer beware. I bought an eCommerce theme from Press75 for the eCommerce plugin (which I also bought) Cart66. Six months after purchasing the theme, Press75 discontinued it and is no longer updating it. In fact, they moved to WooCommerce themes and suggested I do the same. Oh really! I just paid for Cart66! Needless to say, I was fairly annoyed.

    My point is, whenever you buy a theme, it’s really just a roll of the dice.

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