• Whenever I attempt to view my blog from a computer other than the one hosting it, the content appears but the layout is not normal. It’s just plaintext. I’m using the default Twenty Twelve theme.
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  • Sorry but I can tell you, from where I am, nothing is loading on the page I get a “timed out” response that says “The server at syntaxes.org is taking too long to respond” Ensure that you have no security options either on your sites control panel or in wordpress that permits access only from a single computer or a range of ip addresses. Next check that the DNS settings (if you have access to your sites control panel) is properly setup, also ensure that wordpress is correctly setup. This looks to me either like a security block, or some kind of functional setting within your sites control panel (the controls your service provider allows you to have)is wrong
    How long ago did you register the site? if you have just registered it and just paid all your fees for hosting etc it could be that you need to wait until the DNS servers have been propogated with the correct details as I am getting the same response whether for syntaxes.org/blog or just syntaxes.org – check that your redirects are setup correctly in the control panel of your site. If its a site you are hosting on your own servers then ensure that you have setup your firewall rules correctly etc. Also ensure that your web server settings are all fully functional and correct

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