• I mean in the sense that with the beta 1, it now seems to be essential to provide header, footer, sidebar php files as part of the theme, whereas previously, the index.php was sufficient and pulled the header etc from the root directory…

    Is there a reason for the change? Have I missed something critical here? My basic themes break with beta1 on a clean install (perhaps they would have broken on the alphas too, with a clean install, but I don’t think the change had occurred then…)

    Advice, please… I don’t especially want to have to make two versions of my themes, and would prefer to continue using the KISS principle, which was one of the attracting features of WordPress.

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  • I meant it nicely ??

    I’ve been using the same way of styling my blog for almost a year. I played with themes when they first appeared, got confused, and left them alone.
    I have looked at various themes that have been published and still found them confusing.
    But now, WP will take what I have and effectively turn it into a theme, and even now I can see that because WP has done this I can better compare what I have with a ‘theme’ and start to explore how much more WP can do for me with regard to presenting my blog in different ways. For instance – I’ve not gone near the ‘single’ page display stuff – this change goes toward demystifying it. It also means that as I am now a ‘theme’ user, I can better support questions here about them as I understand the structure better.
    WP was carrying the legacy design from pre 1.0.1 so at some point, there had to be a change that offered a better upgrade experience yet also gave the user decent ways to change the look of their blog (the devs have changed a TON of code since 1.2 yet there is barely a murmur, they move the CSS and the noise arrives ?? ).
    I do think that to leave an existing gap will be to the detriment of users – and support people. Let’s get the design side of things into a state that pleases all – and before someone says that it may cost them a couple of hours to make their blog look nice again, just remember that it is free software, the support is free and if you value your blog, then you need to spend time on it. (That and the fact that upgrading is not an absolute necessity).

    Wow. The upgrade routine will take all the template modules I’ve already made off my own bat (header.php, footer.php, archives.php, loop.php, links.php, etc.) and automatically convert them into a theme? My stylesheet too?

    Trouble is, I don’t want them to be a theme, because not every page on my site uses WordPress and I want my header and footer includes available at the root. So am I going to have to stay with 1.22?

    The entire theming system can be short circuited by setting one variable. And in the end, an include is an include, php is php. You can include files from wherever you want to put them.

    ??? .. the lastes version of 1.5 dont work here in “localhost” (HD) instalation ???

    The themes dont load ???

    How i configure that ??? the links apoin to https://localhost/wp-content and the correct link is https://localhost/MyWP_dir/wp-content.


    I love the way WP1.5 does themes. This is such an improvement over earlier versions! Kudos to the devs!!

    villas – that must be something configured locally. I have a couple of wp local installs, and both are working fine.

    Podz … I have too… but since 01/01/2005 the files are diferent … th wp-config.php is the same (wp-config-sample.php too) but the PATH dont work … something in themes i think …


    Nevermind … solved !

    Thanks Podz !


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