Hi Korrapatiuma21,
Thanks for starting a new thread here ??
Just to confirm, you have added your feed with the /gn/ (trailing slash not required) as the section URL in your Publisher Center, correct?
If you look on the plugin’s ‘info and settings’ page, or look at the very last line of the feed, you’ll see that Google has not fetched the feed.
That would indicate that the crawler Google uses to fetch the feed is being blocked. The crawler is not well known, so quite a few hosting companies end up blocking it by mistake.
I would recommend contacting your hosting company and asking them to whitelist the crawler “Feedfetcher-Google”. They can learn more about it here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1061943
The first thing is to make sure that FeedFetcher is reaching it. Once it is, there *might* be another problem.
When I run https://aajduniya.xyz/feed/gn/ through the RSS Validator, it says it’s valid but reports a couple of concerns. Most of those can be ignored, but the “invalid html: unexpected end tag (p)” I’ve seen cause problems with the feed too – so once it’s being fetched okay, if it’s still not loading into the Publisher Center, that would be the next issue to address,