• Hi, Good day. I am unable to get into my wordpress settings because the message I get says there has been a critical error on the website. Can you please provide instructions how to fix this.

    The online display of my website has also been effected.

    Can you please assist



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • The reason for the error should be visible in the error log. You can find it in your hosting area. If necessary, the support of your hosting can help you.

    Alternatively, you could also enable debugging in WordPress. How to do this is described here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/ – also here the support of your hosting can help you if necessary to edit the file accordingly.

    In both cases you should be able to see what the cause is in the logfile.



    I had the same problem on my site which is running PHP 8.2.20

    Can’t say how long the problem has been there but the site updated to WP 6.6 on 17 July and when I accessed the site yesterday on 20 July got the error message “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions".

    Unfortunately I don’t have access to the PHP error log on my hosting site. I enabled logging in the WP config file wp-config.php?? using:

    // Enable WP_DEBUG mode

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );????? This is normally false

    Added this definition:

    // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file

    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    I didn’t get a debug.log file created but when refreshing the site I got the error message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected character 0x00, expecting end of file in XXXXXXXXXXXX/www/wp/wp-admin/includes/theme.php on line 1259??? (site details replaced by XXX)

    When I checked theme.php I found it was missing the PHP delimiter at the end. So I added a new line at the end with just:


    Now the site is working fine.

    So in summary it appears to be due to a fault with the WordPress 6.6 file theme.php




    I’m new to this forum and not familiar with the rules. I don’t understand why you’re asking me to create a new topic.

    rodney007 had a problem and asked for instructions on how to fix it.

    I had exactly the same problem, explained the symptoms and provided instructions on what is wrong and how to fix it.

    @threadi – Please explain why I need to create a new topic



    By opening a separate topic for your own problem, you are following the best practices of the forum. Please refer to the explanation here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum-user-guide/faq/#i-have-the-same-problem-can-i-just-reply-to-someone-elses-post-with-me-too



    I’ve provided a fix for the problem described by rodney007. I’m not asking someone else to provide a fix for my problem – which is the same anyway? Are you saying that I shouldn’t post the fix here ?



    What you describe in your post applies to your system. Unfortunately, the topic opener has not yet said that an error message appears in theme.php. On the contrary: if you call up his website, you can now see that it is an Elementor Pro error (on bottom of the page), which he would have to contact their support about.

    Your post describes your problem and your attempt to figure it out, but no solution. If you think the theme.php from WordPress Core is the cause of your error, open a new topic so that the volunteers here on the forum can help you figure it out.

    Thread Starter rodney007


    Hi, Thank you all for your contributions. So I need to contact Elementor about this problem. Any contacts details for them perhaps. The elementor pro was a “Add on app” that was activated in wordpress.

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by rodney007.


    Send them the error displayed to you. They should be able to identify the cause and give you a solution. Incidentally, Elementor is not installed automatically by WordPress. This is something you install yourself or do on someone else’s recommendation.

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