we are sorry you couldn’t get the plugin immediately work as you expected. This is a fully functional version of the plugin, and it does have settings, but probably not where you expected to find them.
You can find all settings at Appearance > Widget: there you can add the YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion widget and set it up. Basically, the plugin consists of the widget and it wouldn’t make sense to put the widget settings in a different place from where you usually find them on WordPress.
If you need any additional information, you can refer to the plugin documentation for free settings (https://yithemes.com/docs-plugins/yith-woocommerce-category-accordion/02-free-version.html) or open a thread here (https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/yith-woocommerce-category-accordion/).
I hope you can change your mind about it, or please let me know if there’s something we can do to improve this.