Yes, you must contact our team so we can set up your account for your company. We offer this tool with our World Class client support to ensure all clients are 100% satisfied with our products and services that we have built over the last 20 years.
Since we utilize premium data feeds that have monthly fees, we must charge a monthly fee for data usage. This is all stated in our Plugin Licensing statement.
“Plugin licensing
B2i Investor Tools is a plugin based on B2i’s software as a service hosted application. We offer our products and services for a monthly fee, determined by the features bundled together. Our up-front price guarantee offers the lowest cost or we will beat competing product cost by 10%.”
Please let us know if you have any other questions about our plugins, products or licensing. If you have any feature request that would make your development task easier we are always eager to discuss and incorporate new features without additional cost.
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