• Plugin Author Chasil


    Hello everyone,

    If you are facing any issue with Universal Star Rating you are at the right place! But please read this text before opening a new support request.

    Basic understanding of what this plugin is about
    I’ve read a few posts, emails and bad votings about this plugin because people believed this plugin is for their followers/readers to vote the posting itself. Let me clearify that this plugin only provides shortcodes to insert voting images to your page/post at the place where you want them. The idea is that the author can rate something and visualize it with the aid of this plugin. There is no interaction for the reader. That doesn’t mean that this feature won’t ever be implemented but for now it’s not.

    Example shortcodes and plugin settings
    If you just read the introduction of the plugin you should have an idea of what you can do with the plugin. If you need some examples or want to tweak a little bit just open the admin panel and have a look at Settings > Universal Star Rating. There you can find a description, some settings (like localization) and some examples of what you can do with the plugin.

    The output has borders and/or is “ugly”
    It is possible that the output is not what you expected. This mostly happens with the [usrlist] shortcode. If you have a look at the plugins stylesheet (CSS) you will see that there are just a few settings which could have an impact on the output. This is just because every page is different and it is not possible to make the plugins output good for every page. I guess your themes stylesheets are good to go but if they are not you have to change them yourself for a good look.

    “The plugin doesn’t work anymore (after I changed something)”
    If the plugin worked for you and it doesn’t after you changed something: It’s pretty sure a problem with the change and not the plugin itself. Check everything you changed. Twice. Maybe you think the change can’t affect something like the plugin but in my IT carreer I’ve seen very sepcial side effect. If something worked and now it doesn’t the first question should always be: What was the change and what can I do myself to solve the problem?
    – Update of a software component (OS, PHP, Webserver, DB…)
    – Provider change
    – Installation of another theme or plugin
    – Manipulating plugins source code
    – Changing some settings (inside and outside of WP)

    The plugin doesn’t show the images but the expected text
    In older versions of the plugin some source code was inside the images folder. Some providers check if there is code inside the folder and don’t intrepret it for security reasons. Since I moved the code this never happened again but there were other cases I was not able to manage and if I’m honest in some cases I would never have thought about. For example there was a user with a wrong named htaccess file (Nothing I can handle): The webserver made everything right but the outcome was not as expected and it looked like it was a plugin error. So please make sure everything is configured and named fine – I can’t do this for you and I have to guess you made your job right. If it is not I can’t help you even if I try. If you are sure you made everything right, open a support case and I will try to help.

    “Can I use the plugin with another plugin?”
    There are requests in which people ask me if USR is working with a special plugin. In most cases my answer will be: I don’t know.
    I can’t check every other plugin out there if it’s code is compatible to USR. Chances are very good that these plugins can coexist inside your WP installation but USR has no interface which can be used by other plugins out of the box (e.g. to fill in rating values from a special source). And if you can use USR inside another plugin is a question about support of the other plugin (e.g. writing shortcodes in a special WYSIWYG editor plugin possibly won’t work because the used brackets [ and ] won’t be saved as brackets inside your DB and as a result the rating is not parsed into USR).

    “OK, i’ve read everything but I still can’t get the plugin work”
    In most cases the plugin works fine and there is nothing to be done in advance. But sometimes there are problems. In this case you for sure may open a support ticket – after having a look at other support tickets to check if there were solved issues which match yours – and I will try to help. But please keep in mind that I spend my limited free time on programming and supporting this plugin and it may take time for me to read, understand and answer to your question. Please provide as many information as you have got for me to help you. People who read about your issues possibly have the same problem or were able to solve it. If you provide nothing else than “The plugin doesn’t work” you are right but there are thousands of possibilities of what could be the root cause and you will get everything except a helpful answer. Tell us what you did and what the results are. Do you have a “reproducer” or a URL I can have a look at the problem? Do you have screenshots? A log file? What is your environment? These are things which can help solve the problems you have. And please don’t use old (solved) requests to add yours. These cases are closed and I won’t check if there are any new (similar) issues documented. If there currently is an open issue which is similar to yours you may update it with your posting.

    A last request from my side
    Please be fair enough to not instantly vote the plugin bad if something doesn’t work for you or doesn’t what you expect. I spent hundreds of hours with coding and support and it’s very unfair to treat me that way.
    Unfair voting examples:
    – You thought the plugin would do XYZ
    – You didn’t get instant support
    – You didn’t read the manual
    – You are a troll or an author of a similar project

    Thanks for having a look at this post.


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