• Hi

    thinkupverification-js is trying to connect to dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pxxqg90g7zxtt8n/q67JXA0dJ1dt.js

    The files its trying to connect to is detected as JS/Agent.SIB trojan by ESET anti virus.

    Please can you tell me how to fix this. I’ve been using this theme on my website for around 5 years, i started having this problem yesterday.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Same issue here but with the Minamaze Pro theme from the same provider.

    Thread Starter danpowellbvm


    I found a few more sites using their themes that have the same issue.


    I also found this in the theme readme.txt.

    = 1.9.10

    - Fixed:?? WooCommerce v3.5.1 compatible.

    - Removed: Fallback verification script re-enabled as false positive reports issue resolved.

    = 1.9.3

    - Fixed:?? WooCommerce v3.4.2 compatible.

    - Removed: Fallback verification script disabled due to false positive reports.

    = 1.8.5

    - New:???? Theme option added to disable page intro.

    - New:???? Header image when assigned from theme options panel outputs image alt text.

    - Fixed:?? Main header font family settings now also apply to sticky header.

    - Updated: Fallback verification script improved.

    = 1.7.1

    - New:???? License verification script added to improve theme security.
    Thread Starter danpowellbvm


    I found a temporary fix.

    • Copy the below code into a text editor
    • Save the file as block-verification.php
    • Upload to WP Plugins directory
    • Activate the plugin in WP Admin

    The plugin blocks dropboxusercontent links and thinkupverification scripts


    Plugin Name: Block External Scripts and Connections

    Description: Blocks specified scripts, network connections, and references to external domains on both frontend and backend.

    Version: 1.2

    Author: Your Name

    if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
    exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

    class BlockExternalScripts {

    public function __construct() {
    // Block scripts on the frontend.
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'block_scripts'], 9999);

    // Block scripts in the backend.
    add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'block_scripts'], 9999);

    // Block external HTTP requests for all requests.
    add_filter('http_request_host_is_external', [$this, 'block_external_requests'], 10, 3);

    // Disable DNS prefetching for specified domains on frontend.
    add_filter('wp_resource_hints', [$this, 'remove_dns_prefetch'], 10, 2);

    // Filter database content output on both frontend and backend.
    add_filter('the_content', [$this, 'filter_database_content']);
    add_filter('the_excerpt', [$this, 'filter_database_content']);
    add_filter('widget_text', [$this, 'filter_database_content']);
    add_filter('editor_content', [$this, 'filter_database_content'], 10); // For the block editor.
    add_filter('admin_post_thumbnail_html', [$this, 'filter_database_content']); // Featured image HTML.

    // Block themes from referencing the domains.
    add_action('after_setup_theme', [$this, 'block_theme_references']);

    * Block specific scripts from being enqueued.
    public function block_scripts() {


    * Block external HTTP requests to specific domains.
    * @param bool $is_external Whether the host is external.
    * @param string $host The hostname.
    * @param string $url The full URL.
    * @return bool False if the request should be blocked.
    public function block_external_requests($is_external, $host, $url) {
    $blocked_domains = [

    if (in_array($host, $blocked_domains, true)) {
    return false;

    return $is_external;

    * Remove DNS prefetching for blocked domains.
    * @param array $urls Array of resource hints.
    * @param string $relation_type The type of relation (e.g., 'dns-prefetch').
    * @return array Filtered resource hints.
    public function remove_dns_prefetch($urls, $relation_type) {
    if ('dns-prefetch' === $relation_type) {
    $blocked_domains = [

    foreach ($blocked_domains as $domain) {
    $prefetch_url = '//' . $domain;
    $key = array_search($prefetch_url, $urls);
    if (false !== $key) {

    return $urls;

    * Filter content from the database to remove references to blocked domains.
    * @param string $content The post content or widget text.
    * @return string Filtered content.
    public function filter_database_content($content) {
    $blocked_domains = [

    foreach ($blocked_domains as $domain) {
    $content = str_replace($domain, '[blocked]', $content);

    return $content;

    * Block themes from referencing blocked domains.
    public function block_theme_references() {
    add_filter('theme_mod_header_image', [$this, 'block_theme_mod_references']);
    add_filter('theme_mod_background_image', [$this, 'block_theme_mod_references']);

    * Remove blocked domain references from theme mods.
    * @param string $url The URL of the theme mod.
    * @return string Filtered URL.
    public function block_theme_mod_references($url) {
    $blocked_domains = [

    foreach ($blocked_domains as $domain) {
    if (strpos($url, $domain) !== false) {
    return ''; // Remove the reference entirely.

    return $url;


    new BlockExternalScripts();

    I got some feedback from the ThinkUPThemes support team. They verified that this is intended behavior and not nefarious…

    “It’s not malicious script. It’s a verification script. You can remove with the help of this knowledge base article: https://www.thinkupthemes.com/docs/remove-fallback-verification-script/

    I implemented this in my sub-theme functions.php file as suggested and it works perfectly. Less involved than a plugin-based solution.

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