• Resolved lefemi4231


    I just updated the ‘Blocksy Companion’ plugin and the ‘Blocksy’ theme and they have completely messed up my site.
    All the custom css, gallery styling, fonts, footer and login area etc, everything is messed up.
    Plz bring back the previous version before you fix it and plz be careful with such reckless updates.

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  • Eduard


    Hello @lefemi4231

    Could you please expand a bit more of what changed for you?

    Some changes are to be expected, emphasised by the fact that you have implemented custom code. Custom code needs to be maintained with new updates, as that’s simply how the nature of software development works like. Software changes across updates, so it would also be recommended to update any custom code you might’ve added.

    However if you think the other changes are related to this update, please get back to us with more information and we’ll do our duty to point you in the right direction. ??




    same issues. Update kept loading. After server reboot and some time the site was back. Quick view buttons and didn’t was messed up so I did a rollback. After the rollback the colors are messed up and in the customized under color there are no options anymore. DB backup restore and theme restore seem to not work for it weirdly.



    Hello @larsvonhierblau

    I see that you’re speaking about “quick view” which is one of our Pro features. Sadly, we aren’t allowed to offer support for the Pro version on these forums, so I would recommend contacting us via our website – https://creativethemes.com/blocksy/support/

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter lefemi4231


    Something like this has NEVER happened before. This update has brought drastic changes.
    For example the login button displays the text ‘Item account not registered or doesn’t have a view.php file’ instead of the login icon.
    Also on homepage, the footer area appears completely empty while on another page the footer area comes back.
    Also the fonts and styling, everything is changes throughout the website.

    Plz look into it and resolve these issues. Or give us an option to roll back to previous versions until you resolve them.



    I had the view.php file issue as well. I used wp rollback on top of the manually restore from backup.



    Hello @lefemi4231

    That sounds like you didn’t update both the theme and Companion plugin at the same time, as they are required to be on the same version. Could you please confirm that you have updated both of these?

    Also, do you happen to have a URL for the site so that we could see a bit more about it?


    Thread Starter lefemi4231


    Absolutely! Both are updated.
    And everything is messed up so for now I’ve password protected the website because of these issue.



    Hello @lefemi4231

    We would need to take a look at this a little bit closer in order to figure out what went wrong. Would it at least be possible to take a snapshot of the site and send it our way? You can use this plugin to do so – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/




    The last update really did change a lot of things in my website also.

    First of all most of colors and fonts.

    Also moved and erased some widgets.

    This should not happen again. And it should be fixed fast



    Hello @jimon07

    We would be more than happy to work with you to resolve these issues, but we would require a more complete picture from your end to be able to assess the issue.

    Could you please provide a fuller report? A live URL and other relevant details will help a lot!




    I think the bigger issue is that the preview when you customize the theme is correct but the actual site after you edit it is not. An example below. Almost all the issues i can see are in the header and the footer.

    Customize preview: https://prnt.sc/4fkh9L1FxL30

    Live site: https://prnt.sc/ArnXLEnZeRlB

    Customize preview: https://prnt.sc/2J4adLBVGXlz

    Live site: https://prnt.sc/Sbv0iV1DEGKe




    Hi @jimon07.

    Ah, that is a very simple fix. In some very rare cases, the server skips over the background actions that it should perform on updates – this can be hindered usually by managed hosting solutions.

    To fix this, please make the slightest change in the customiser and re-save everything. It will go back to normal.

    Let me know if this works.




    Yes i am aware of that. So that was the first thing i tried before writing here. But it does not work. The screenshots i share are after this is done.



    Hi @jimon07

    Just to make sure that the caching systems haven’t caught anything bad. Could you please try with all caching/optimisations disabled?

    We had a few cases like this and all of them have been solved by doing a customiser re-save.




    I removed every caching and optimazation system and it is still the same. After that i update to the 2.0.1 version just released and nothing changed visualy. Still the same problems :/ I dont think caching or optimization is to blame here.

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