• Mitch


    Just upgraded and got a config error
    This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site.
    Our site needs the different domain as we are being redirected from another site using their domain
    so each site on the network has to use their personal email account How do I fix it and if there is no way please ad a switch to turn that one feature off.


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  • Wiyre


    Glad that this helped everybody!



    I confirm.
    Put for example:

    From: [email protected]

    And add this to the additional headers:

    Reply-to: [your-name] <[your-email]>

    and when you press reply it will be addressed correctly to the recipient who filled the form (whatever he put).




    I can confirm this now works. But I have to remove the SMTP plugin which has actually ended up being a problem. This may be unrelated to CF7 but I am stuck with PHP mail, which, although it works, I do not trust for reliability long term. There have been situations where clients email me and I do not receive anything.

    Just remember to specify <[you-email]> (or whatever label you use) in the additional headers and you can indeed reply to the sender.



    There is a post about this from the plugin author here: https://contactform7.com/best-practice-to-set-up-mail/.



    I don’t believe the issue is with host providers not accepting particular information “now”. We reverted from CF7 4.4 back to 4.3.1 and the conflict has stopped. It would seem strange that our hosting provider is happy to accept spam email just because we rolled back CF7 a notch.



    I’m using [email protected], and my site is definitely using example.com (same domain) but CF7 keeps telling me “This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site.”

    I’ll take any ideas at this point.

    – Scott



    @ericsyd where did you find version 4.3.1




    I’ve tried all the solutions I can find here in the forums and also the ones from this site: https://www.wiyre.com/solution-contact-form-7-issues-your-contact-form-has-a-configuration-issue/ but still can’t get the form to work. Many are reporting it has fixed the problem for them though.

    How do we roll back to a previous version of the plugin?

    Does anyone have any other alternative Contact form plugin suggestions? I’ve already spent several hours trying to fix this annoying glitch and am ready to just move to a plugin that works.



    @dave333 I’m a big fan of Gravity Forms, although it is a paid product.

    – Scott

    Juergen Schulze


    This new “feature” is only causing trouble.
    If I want to use a customer’s address as the from address to make it easier for me to reply, it is totally ok. This is my own domain – who should punish me for this behavior? Nobody.
    I am under control of the TO address. So what?
    I had to totally delete the plugin folder and replace it with the last working version. It’s working again.
    I will not install this version until this feature is deactivated again.
    Anyone knows a good alternative?



    @sneader Thanks. I was looking for a free alternative but don’t mind paying for something if it works properly.

    @juergen Schulze Where did you find an older version of the plugin?



    For those asking about rolling back the version of CF7, try this “Roll Back” plugin:

    I use it on one of my sites.



    Same for me @dave333 despite using my own domain email address. Just spent hours going around in circles. I wish I checked on this forum sooner.

    If I install the roll-back version of CF7 will I have to use the SMTP set up – I am currently using PHP



    Im using my domain email in the from section but its still not working.. WHATS GOING ON?



    I think this might be a problem with comparing the email to $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] and not site_url from WP configuration.

    I’d call it a bug that needs an update.

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