• I saw some of the other reviews where others didn’t seem happy with this theme. Some people said it was too simple. In my opinion, that is exactly why this theme is so great. Because it is so simple, it easy to build a complicated layout from scratch with it. All you do is copy the blocks that hold the main part of what makes the layout function, and put those blocks in a new design you have made.

    I am no WordPress guru, and definitely not an expert, but let my website (shameless plug coming) at ziine.co be the example you need if you feel like this simple Twenty Twenty Three theme isn’t up to the standards of making the website of your dreams.

    I believe all the negative comments about this theme have come from people who have not taken the time to learn Gutenburg and how all the blocks work together, or they just don’t have imagination.

    In almost no time, I transformed this theme into a retro styled 3 column (for home and archives) + 2 columns (for single posts and pages) layout using patterns as sidebars and footers. What I achieved was a way to manage multiple sections of my entire layout without having to go into the Site Editing portion so frequently, and now I have a huge, old school style layout with a modern theme.

    I’m so glad that I discovered this theme and put in the time to learn how to make it work for me and what I was looking for in my style of publishing with WordPress.

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by David Thrift. Reason: spelling
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