• coachmkt


    From topics in this forum, many people could not make this integration work. My installation did not work at the beginning as well, and I find many little things to take care. Finally I can make it work so I would like to share my experience. This is the step and cautions.

    1. After you install and activate plugin, go to WordPress dashboard > Sendy List. Fill in Sendy API Key and Sendy Installation URL, and save.

    * I found that when I copy Sendy API Key from Sendy application, I got a soft space attached at the trailing end. Make sure that there is no white space at the end of the line. Same for the URL, be cautious.

    2. You have to create a (subscriber) list in Sendy application that will be used to integrate with CF7 form on your WordPress website.

    3. Now create a definition of your Sendy List in WordPress. Doing so by going to WordPress dashboard > Sendy List > New topic. Enter Title, List Name (copy from Sendy app), and List Id (copy from Sendy app), then publish.

    * Now verify that the plugin can communicate with your Sendy application. In WordPress dashboard > Sendy List, it shows the Sendy List you’ve just created. In column “Subscribers”, it should show 0 for a new list (no subscriber). If it shows something like “List does not exist”, this means that
    (a) API key or Sendy Installation URL in step 1. is wrong, or
    (b) List Id in step 3. is wrong.

    * Copy the value in column “Shortcode”, you’ll need this when creating a CF7 form. This looks like [tssendy listID “nnn”] where nnn is in fact WordPress post ID holding this custom-type post.

    4. Create Contact Form as usual. An addition step is to include the following 2 lines in Form definition (I put them on top of form — as the first 2 lines). They are,

    4.1 [hidden ts_sendy_hidden “true”]

    * This is one tricky part. According to instruction in plugin page (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/techsarathy-sendy-cf7-integration/), it states,
    [hidden ts_sendy_hidden “true”] which the double quote characters are wrong. They must look like this >> [hidden ts_sendy_hidden “true”]

    4.2 [tssendy listID “nnn”]
    which you copy from step 3.

    With all above, the integration works fine. I hope this help everyone. Good luck!


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  • rogerrwl


    What version of wordpress are you using? I followed your steps previously and this plugin worked up until a big point release of WP some months ago.

    Thread Starter coachmkt


    I am using WordPress version 4.9

    Thread Starter coachmkt


    I should have added the following.

    4.3 Field name in Contact Form must start with ts_ and be followed by field name defined in Sendy App. See attached screenshot here >> https://d.pr/i/R7dF7z



    Still doesn’t work for me – reinstalled and setup but get this error in log:

    [22-Nov-2017 21:46:04 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://email.winelab.net/api/subscribers/active-subscriber-count.php): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/askwino7/winelabnet/wp-content/plugins/techsarathy-sendy-cf7-integration/classes/TsSendyPostType.php on line 102
    [22-Nov-2017 21:48:14 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/askwino7/winelabnet/wp-content/plugins/techsarathy-sendy-cf7-integration/classes/TsSendyShortcode.php on line 133
    [22-Nov-2017 21:48:14 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(https://email.winelab.net/subscribe): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/askwino7/winelabnet/wp-content/plugins/techsarathy-sendy-cf7-integration/classes/TsSendyShortcode.php on line 133

    Just tested with WordPress 4.9.4 and it is working!

    Copy paste my contact form which has been tested:

    [hidden ts_sendy_hidden “true”]
    [tssendy listID “7914”]
    [text* ts_Name placeholder “name”]
    [email* ts_Email placeholder “email”]
    [submit “go”]

    Make sure you change 7914 to your list ID. Also, double check the Sendy Installation URL in plugin settings. I forgot to add https:// and that was the reason it was not working in the beginning.

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