Hi, thank you for answering that fast, it indeed shows how professional you are regarding this tool.
First of all, I’ve read my message again and I want to apologize for the tone, you did not deserve it that way. Still, I think the same about what I said but I’ll try to explain it in a better way.
I totally agree with you on how you have the right to make anything free, and I also understand the need of some people for only 10 folders. I’ve been using and contributing to open-source for more than ten years and I fully agree on its main principle.
Actually there is only one thing that is missing here, in my opinion, and that is where I disagree with you: this is not clearly mentioned in the description how the pro version can be necessary in many cases (including mine). This is probably not much, but I strongly suggest you rethink the way you warn the users about this 10 folders limit, inside the description.
What I can also imagine right now and that I would have loved one month ago (first time using the plug-in), is maybe show some kind of pop-up at the creation of the first folder to tell the user that (s)he will have only 10 free folders. That’s pretty simple but can prevent bad experiences like my own.
I promise I will change the rating if you do something about what I wrote above, because as I said earlier the plug-in just does the job perfectly well.
Thank you for reading me, have a nice day.