moshu, that was I think really what I was trying to ask originally…. since I have no pages now, it’s not a problem, but should I decide to make pages in future, and keep the theme switcher (***see below), then I may have problems with pages unless I want to do intensive tweaking.
Now, I’m not averse to tweaking – in fact, I find it a great deal of fun, and only my husband gets in on the not-repeatable-in-polite-company cursing which happens when things don’t go the way I thought they should (and since we’ve been married thirty years, he just rolls his eyes and goes outside to mess with the horses….)
But then again, I don’t want to set myself up for a full-time job as above either….
*** theme switcher: I’m like a chinook wind blowing from here today and there tomorrow: no one theme will ever be “right” day in day out. So whatever I do will pretty much require figuring in something in the nature of the theme switcher…. [I still need the random theme changer, but got so sidetracked with the problem a couple of weeks back I never got any farther on with it. Aaron Brazell thought he might come up with something….]