• Resolved rfearns


    I have successfully used Duplicator to move several sites from one host to another. But when I attempted to package up a news site for moving, I received the error “This package has encountered errors” and when I view the log file, there doesn’t seem to be anything that says what the error is. How do I find out what the error is? I am using WP 3.8.


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  • Thread Starter rfearns


    I donno, suddenly I was sent a message that the package was complete and everything appears to be fine. I will know more after the site.

    Thread Starter rfearns


    Ok, the package isn’t like the others….it is a zipped up directory listing. Doesn’t appear to be a database included. Now I am more confused than ever….

    Thread Starter rfearns


    My last update on this issue was made when I was blurry eyed and wiped out – please disregard.

    This morning I attempted to install the package and got a unsuccessful install error code 200…what does that mean?

    Thread Starter rfearns


    After 2 retries, it still isn’t installing. Same error code.

    Hey rfearns,

    Thanks for the feedback! If you can give the developer version a try it may have your fixes for the issue your seeing. The very latest version can be found by following these instructions:

    -> Browse to https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/duplicator/developers/
    -> Look for the section “Other Versions”
    -> Click on “Development Version” and download the zip plugin file
    -> Uninstall your current version and install this one
    -> Note: This is a development line version so please test in your sandbox first to make sure you have no issues…

    Let me know if this solves your issue…


    Thread Starter rfearns


    Did not create a package, but it did give a error code:

    AJAX Response Duplicator.Pack.Create
    duration: 185.22 secs
    code: 504
    status: Gateway Time-out
    504 Gateway Time-out


    Hey Rfearns,

    Checkout this section on the FAQs I believe it may help with this issue:
    -> Browse to: https://lifeinthegrid.com/duplicator-faq
    -> Find section: “3. Troubleshoot=> Timeout Issues”

    You most likely need to setup some filters…

    Hope that helps!

    Hey Rfearns,

    Any update on this one? If you want to check the latest development version again, I have integrated support for mysqldump if your server supports it.


    Thread Starter rfearns


    After trying the developer version and getting errors, I resorted to moving the site the old fashion way. I thought perhaps it had to do with the size of the site. However, this morning I was attempting to move another site that was much smaller and received errors. Shortly after I successfully packaged up another large site (zip file was 426 MB) so that blows my size theory. All the websites are hosted by the same provider, HostGator.

    Interesting… If you want to submit a support ticket I can look closer at your log files.


    I had the same issues with this 504 timeout error whenever I used the DUPLICATOR plugin to create a new package! but this happend on 2 diferent webhosting companies out of 3 in total, but only one from the 3 webhosting companies worked and I successfuly created my package. The webhosgint company that didn’t encounter any issues with duplicator the plugin is https://www.site5.com. So, it obviously looks like this 504 error generates after about 30 seconds or so when I tried to create a new package, and this also seems to be a webhosting issue, where if you have a good webhost, then they should also be able to help you with this 30 seconds php timout.

    I’ve used this plugin many times, but now I’m getting a error, I view the log, but can’t tell what’s wrong
    I’m using
    duplicator: 0.4.6 (i also tried 0.5.1) Same issue
    wordpress: 3.8.1
    php: 5.2.17
    php sapi: cgi-fcgi
    server: Apache

    I tried the latest version with no other plugins active. I got this warning on the scan

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘RuntimeException’ with message ‘DirectoryIterator::__construct(/homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/media-grid/js/jquery.galleria/themes/lcweb/img) [directoryiterator.–construct]: failed to open dir: Too many open files’ in /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php:108 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php(108): DirectoryIterator->__construct(‘/homepages/28/d…’) #1 /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php(114): DUP_Archive->runDirStats(‘/homepages/28/d…’) #2 /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php(114): DUP_Archive->runDirStats(‘/homepages/28/d…’) #3 /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php(114): in /homepages/28/d139802609/htdocs/contentmuse/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package.archive.php on line 108

    What do I do?

    Hey Gdeadtoo,

    I’m going to add this issue to the todo list to see if I can get a workaround in code. For now the only work around is something like the following:

    The problem is a maximum open files limite PER users !
    We add several web servers, so several new Apache2 VirtualHost… and Apache2 (www-data) reach the 1024 maximum open files…

    you can check with

    “ulimit -a” or “ulimit -n” (default is maximum 1024 open files)

    you can modify with “ulimit -n 1500” … but it will be lost after reboot…

    To permanently made the modification, add in the file /etc/security/limits.conf :

    $ vi /etc/security/limits.conf
    #<domain> <type> <item> <value>
    www-data soft nofile 1600
    www-data hard nofile 65535
    And of course, restart your web server Apache2 or other.

    Source: https://drupal.org/node/474152

    You may have to work with your server administrator to adjust this value..


    Same issue here since the new version. I also tried the Developer version but get the same error.

    The old version of Duplicator worked fine on my sites, I have filters in place but this new version always times out.

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