• Plugin author helped us resolve this issue. Changing our review back to 5 stars, as it was not the plugin that was to blame.

    Thank you HubSpot Team for your assistance + great service!

    This plugin used to work flawlessly.

    Now I have to reconnect it every time I log into the site.

    The plugin loses connection to HubSpot rendering the contact form monitoring useless.

    This is the most important feature.

    Please fix!

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  • Plugin Support cheffernan


    Hi @emergencyscotch,

    Could you please verify that your WordPress security keys are correctly set? You should be able to use a security plugin such as salt shaker to verify this.

    There may be an issue with persisting the token necessary to maintain the connection between your WordPress website and HubSpot.

    Please let me know if this resolves your issue.



    Thread Starter emergencyscotch


    Thanks @cheffernan we use a Dockerized WordPress instance and it generates random SALT values on every startup.

    We solved it by persisting our SALT values as secrets.

    We will update our review accordingly, as it turned out not to be the plugin that was at fault.

    Thank you for your assistance,

    Plugin Support cheffernan


    Ah excellent. I am so pleased you got this sorted out! Thank you for the review



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