• I dont seem to be able to add a review so am posting here.

    Do any of the developers for wordpress have training in visual impairments.

    It is irrelevant whether block editing or whatever is an improvement or should be an option.

    The problem is how it has been executed means it is nearly impossible to use.

    The type face used for the interface is too pale spindly to be easily read.

    Worse still the font size differences between the the text editing area and the menu options in the right hand column are chronically different. ie the text area font is too large and the menu options on the right are so tiny, and because pathetically pale hard and so make it hard to see.

    If you do not continue to offer this it will mean wordpress will cease to be viable to those with visual impairments.

    What I cant understand is how anyone would think they should dictate how people do their work.

    Surely of all things new technology, and specifically the internet should be about options, choice and inclusion.

    More and more the internet is being narrowed down to the lifestyle of a tiny group who apparently lack awareness of others? Are you offered disablity training?

    However, especially if there is any money in it to help support wordpress, you should to a similar option for Windows 11 which also suffers from the delusion that it is an art project with stupidly thin font faces that are uniformly pale grey, that float about and create over large menu bars, which when used (assuming you can see well enough to select the right option) then reveal that underneath they have kept the more prosaic but practical plain type face orientated options on offer. (off topic but it would be a great help!)

    Did people working in web development all go on some artsy fartsy course and got bamboozled into think pale grey was the new utopia?

    Are any of you aware of W3C Accessibility Standards https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by womensgrid.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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