• Please help! My entire site seems to be broken now.

    In the Settings of my WordPress Admin Panel, I changed the ‘WordPress address (site url)’ and the ‘Website address (home url)’ from my temporary url (box****.temp.domains) to my actual site URL, in the mistaken belief that this would remove my need for using the temporary address. Instead, this ruined everything instantly.

    Now I can’t access the website or make any changes to it at all. When trying to view it through WordPress, I just get a message that says ‘This site cannot be accessed’ with a ‘Remove site’ button below it. When visiting the URL, I get a “server IP address could not be found” error.

    After a lot of googling, I ended up at the BlueHost cPanel file manager, where I added the following lines to the wp-config.php file:

    define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://box****.temp.domains/~username’ );
    define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://box****.temp.domains/~username’ );

    Which seems to have done absolutely nothing. I also tried doing it without the trailing /~username just in case, which also doesn’t work.

    I then found this page, and tried all the things suggested there, to no avail:

    Login Trouble

    Some issues I ran into trying these fixes:

    *There does not seem to be a DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE value in my wp-config.php file
    *There also is not a SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL value in my wp-config.php file, nor does adding one and setting it to false as suggested do anything
    *I cannot disable plugins or the theme, since now WordPress, unable to find my site, is telling me I have no plugins or themes at all
    *The suggested change in the wg-login.php file already exists
    *I cannot find a wp-options file at all

    I now feel like I’m completely out of options as far I’ve been able to tell. What can I do next? Seriously, I’ve been going crazy for hours.

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  • This sounds like you either typed in the domain name you registered wrong or missed a step in that process. Did Blue Host send you here?

    You probably should start with them or call them back for more help. Do tell them what you told us here and anything else you might have done that might exacerbate the issue.

    If Blue Host provided that temp domain then there may be a tutorial there about changing that temp domain to your real domain name which might help you too.

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