• This theme exists to sell Elementor Pro.

    Don’t even try to justify yourself.
    Ask administrators to remove my view if you think it is somewhy invalid.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by mllapan.
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  • Moderator Marius L. J.


    Hiya @mllapan,

    Marius here, one of the moderators here at www.ads-software.com

    Just wanted to start off by clarifying that even if we get a request to remove content here on www.ads-software.com, us doing so is only if it violates the guidelines in any way, we don’t archive any content at the will of others ??

    Reviews are experiences, and your experience here was that it was trying too hard to sell you a premium version, that’s a valid review in our eyes.

    As for the issue at hand, the www.ads-software.com theme directory is for themes in various stages, it shows off some of what the author can do, but they also need to make a living, and it’s perfectly valid for them to provide an upsell to try and generate some ervenue.

    Such upselling is of course restricted, and the Theme Review Team (TRT for short, and often referred as such) maintain the guidelines for the theme directory, and they have very specific lines to follow to reduce the noise from such scenarios.

    You can read more about the guidelines at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/themes/release/theme-review-guidelines/, and you may also join the TRT and provide insights and help shape the future over at https://make.www.ads-software.com/themes/

    If you should have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to reach out to the moderators in the #forums channel on Slack (a Slack account is required)

    Hello is a very lightweight and clean theme with maximum performance and minimum style and assets.

    It is a useful foundation for any website relaying on a page-builder (or even Gutenberg) for design.

    It will not get in your way when designing and styling your pages, and it will not be a burden when optimising your site to achieve the desirable high score in google page-speed insights tests.

    Therefore I respectfully disagree with the opinion expressed by OP.
    The theme doesn’t necessarily require having Elementor Pro (although it is certainly a good fit for it). It is a great solution for fast loading landing pages and websites with a minimal footprint.

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