Huh!? How Dare I not answer to your support request in less than 24 hours ! Holy crap! …not yet sure if I should laugh, cry or get mad.
Workflow for the support: Easy issue and I know where it comes from–> reply with a fix suggestion.
No idea yet wha this happen: –> Investigate and follow up with a constructive suggestion or apply a fix, or add this to the todo list.
No time at the moment: –> Reply as soon as possible.
Feels like someone got an answer quicker than me:–> Maybe it’s a Premium user, maybe he’s question was longer on the forum, maybe it was a simple to solve issue.
In your case, it was a combination of all of this: Premium users ( you are a FREE user), questions up longer than you think (they receive an answer a couple of days later after posting their questions) , because we had a solution or are already working on the fix.
My intention was not to ignore you but to take time to investigate our issue and come back with a solution/fix/answer.
To the MOD, please to remove the “I returned to …… one that is old but actually works” , it makes the feedback feels like the whole purpose of this review was to do advertisement for that plugin and it’s unethical.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, I’m fast with providing help but unfortunately not yet this fast.
The RSS Post Importer Nerd