• apthorpe


    Is WordPress suitable for large-scale use, say for 7000 users and 1200 categories? What would it take to make it so and more importantly, is this an appropriate direction for the project?
    Here’s the situation: I work at a small university and we’re looking to implement blogging software. We have about 7000 active faculty, staff, and students, and 1200 class sections (750 classes in 100 deparments.) The lists of users and classes are dumped daily as text files so populating the database automatically shouldn’t be more than a short bit of SQL and perl, php, whatever. We use LDAP for authentication but we may wish to grant external users access to the blogs and authenticate them locally (not via LDAP), meaning there should be a provision for failing over from one authentication scheme to another.
    It’s not clear whether instructors would want to keep blogs private within a department, class, or class section, so there’d need to be some simple/flexible access control for users and groups. Also, we’d need a simple (hierarchal) means of navigating to a particular blog, e.g:
    Spring 2004 : Physics : 302 : Section 6
    Finally to keep the database from growing without bound, we want to archive (and possibly delete) the previous semester’s content.
    Note that only a small fraction of these classes might have use for a blog, at least initially. I could just manually set up the 50-100 users for the handful of classes that used the system. However, if we can programmatically solve the problem for one class, we can solve it for the whole institution. And if we can solve the problem for my school, we’ve probably solved it for every school our size and smaller.
    The obvious question is why do this with WordPress and not with a commercial blogging server or service? First, I don’t believe it’s appropriate to put student data on a commercial service (there are regulations about this), I don’t know that there’s a commercial tool to do what we need, and my experience with educational software has been bad. The commercial educational tools are often outrageously expensive, with egregious vendor lock-in, poor extensibility, awful standards compliance, lousy performance, and even worse support. In short, commercial offerings all seem to be glossy expensive crap.
    I like WordPress due to its simplicity, clean presentation, and ease of installation and administration. Ideally, I’d like to preserve those qualities while increasing the scale of the system. I’m not sure it’s possible or even desirable but I thought I’d ask and see what people thought.

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  • Moderator Matt Mullenweg


    What you’re proposing is certainly possible with WordPress, if you had the hardware to support the system resources it would use. I emphasize possible because you will have to do a fair bit of hacking to get many of the features, such as your authentication system. Also realize that WordPress is a single-blog application, and while the appearance of multiple blogs can be created using categories, it’s not the same thing as multiple blogs.

    Hi, I have a similar problem.
    I have this movable Type driven weblogging community with approx 2000 blogs and with the new licensing and pricing structure it seems we are going to need to migrate.
    I have installed WP and it looks great, but I don’t know if needing one database for each blog will be a problem performancewise.

    You can have multiple installations in the same database, they just need different table prefixes.

    Could somebody please provide me with a link to the manual on how this is done??

    There isn’t a link as such right now, but, from the wp-config-sample.php file:
    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
    $table_prefix = 'wp_'; // example: 'wp_' or 'b2' or 'mylogin_'

    So you run it the first time with say “wp1_” as the prefix, then run it again with “wp2_” as the prefix, etc etc.

    ok found it here:
    thing is what I need is that the user A has acces to A’s blogs and user B to B’s blogs .
    this could be done easily just installing each WP in it’s own database. But I imagine having 2000 databases running on the same mysql process is not going to work well at all.
    Anybody can give me advice?

    Reading podz’s post you will know what you need to know. Alternatively, you can also run the install-config.php and it’ll give you the option to input all needed database information including a prefix.

    u dont have 2000 databases, u just have 2000times 10-11 tables running in 1 database… :p still a scary thought. but i believe SQL would be capable enough. the server is good enough, thats teh question.

    If you want to know about mass blogging then Sushubh is certainly the right guy to advise ??

    oh i am a small time blogger. i do run multiple blogs but not one with 2000 posters :O). and i dont have that much traffic. most of my blog dont even reach 500 megs in a month. wrong person hence…

    That was a joke ??

    Running thousands of databases should be fine. Most hosting providers do EXACTLY that… give individuals their own database on a single MySQL server.
    That’s MUCH simpler to administer, as each user just has access to their database. Also, the WP setup is ‘standard’, with the table names all the same, just a different username, pw, and db name.
    Should be simple to do, I’d check on MySQL forums for hints from the heavyweight guys on how to best tune your MySQL installation for such use.

    I’ve been researching about it and having 2000 databases is NOT a good idea performancewise, so I thought about having one database with 2000*13 tables, which is also NOT a good idea since the max number of tables is 10.992 per database (32768 links per directory/3files per table=10.992 )
    So in the end what I’ll do is have multiple databases with 600 blogs per database, that being 7.800 tables per database.
    Any idea as if this’ll work out fine? Any advice?
    Thanks ??

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