• WordPress 4.0 is a good round number.

    Something that really should be celebrated with some awesome new features.

    For instance:
    – Reopening and extending the Media Grid Library Core Plugin:

    – A core plugin worked on today is the Front End Editor – similar to this could also be added to the backend in the on hold CEUX Core Plugin project.

    The Core Plugin feature has limited success from what I have seen from development for 3.8 and 3.9. As there are just too few developers taking part.

    4.0 is a big release and it would be great to see even more developers contribute to this version.

    Having surveys asking for what features people want to see in 4.0.
    Having the results on wptavern or elsewhere for all to see and to comment on.

    Starting to create a buzz around the big 4.0 mark. Having some big cannon features in place.

    Possible features as I see it:
    Front End editing seems to be one of them.
    Another could be a good overhaul/redoing the Media Library.
    Total overhaul of multisite to better incorporate it into WordPress (blurring the single and multisite networks).
    Then a few more and a bunch of minor improvements.
    Examples like: drag&drop of all posts/pages (move posts/pages similar to menus today creating subpages. Closing/opening a branch with subbranches etc). Duplicate post/page. Easily jump between any post or page with a drop down. Improving commenting. Improving featured content (core plugin was partly made for 3.8 but project was cancelled).

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  • My 2 cents…

    Intelligent way to incorporate custom post types and pages into the RSS feeds.

    URL structure with ability to modify based on post types.

    Both of these 2 ideas are the most asked for from clients and about. I believe with the 2nd item WordPress would see a massive migration of older site to a WordPress based platform. Right now far to many stick with outdated monster mess code because they are afraid of URL changes.

    I have been able to custom code site very simply to allow any and all content to be listed in the RSS feeds. It is a pretty basic ‘hack’ and would be easy to include in the backend with a select box style setup in settings.

    I have been able to make custom URL structures for clients to move to WordPress on many occasions as well. I do believe there would be a great deal of flexibility if the permalinks settings had just a few more options. Perhaps an extra box with ability to add more to set things similar to taxonomy.

    Just my 2cents worth of input ??

    4.0+ should help content creators deal with the headache at the intersection of responsive images, retina displays and art direction.

    what I want to see in WP v4.0 is a better Photo Gallery then what is already in WP.
    I’m sick of using plugins like NextGEN(the new devs sux) & NextCellent(I hope they keep updating it 0_o)
    to get a real “Photo Gallery”.
    one word WP-Devs “Albums” we really need it to make the native WP-Gallery way better.

    The only other things I would like to see in WP v4.0 is add
    “WP-Cache” to the core & maybe update it a bit before doing so &
    add html5 video to the core so we don’t have to use plugins.
    It sure would be nice to have something like “Widget Logic” apart of WP so again we don’t have to use a plugin.

    I’m not aint plugins or anything I just feel small plugins like Widget Logic or html5 video plugins is something that should already be apart of the core.

    Moderator James Huff


    We recently advised a non-client about anti-spam measures after she’d accumulated 20,000 spam comments in under two weeks – this sort of protection should be built in!

    It is, in a manner of speaking. The Akismet plugin is bundled with every WordPress download and installation. A good anti-spam measure needs server resources to catalogue and identify spam, and Akismet does this for an average of 7.5 million spam comments per hour (that’s 2,083 per second).

    WordPress as a non-profit organization cannot provide such a service at that scale, but Automattic can via Akismet.

    The fact that the service is provided by a third-party, even though it has close ties with the WordPress Foundation, is why it’s not included directly in core.

    That said, WordPress core does include comment moderation functions and blacklists, which some people find to be sufficient as well.

    add html5 video to the core so we don’t have to use plugins

    That has been in core since WP 3.6: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Video_Shortcode

    Also, it looks like it’s time for the monthly reminder to follow https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/ ??

    I would very much like to see the GSoC Editor included (with an option for columns)


    Seriously, I would suggest that the developers of wordpress, rather than just relentlessly pushing forward actually take some time out and actually consider the product as a whole, rather than working on bits and pieces.


    Make sure the foundation of the house of wordpress is as good as the shiny layers of paint you keep slapping on willy nilly.


    Total overhaul of multisite to better incorporate it into WordPress.

    That would be great!

    I’m pretty new to wp – and multisite installation and administration costs lots of time and enthusiasm.
    The default for permalinks was wrong, so it did not work on virtual servers. I spent lot of time to find that error.

    Then I think there are 2 different multisite usecases:
    – each multisite is a different blog unrelated to the other sites
    – all multisites together build a single website. Multisite is just used to separate content.

    I use the latter and its quite tedious to do the basic configuration for each new site. All should use the same theme, same color settings, same widgets and layout options …
    It would be very handy to be able to clone a site.
    Additionally there’s no reason to have to upload i.e. the header image for each site. All could share the same optionally.

    Another improvement would be the integration of all pages in the dropdown-selections, so crosslinking would be easy and seemless to multisites.

    Another issue I’m missing:
    tag a post for not being cut on preview.
    That could be useful for pinned postings.

    django013 is right … while WP could continue on its incremental add/modify progress (3.10, 3.11, 3.12 … you get the picture), v4 needs to be root and branch whole product review.

    I don’t mean it has to be re-written, but the product needs to be repositioned in the world of CMSs, and take on some of the workflow elements which separate it it from what corporate IT folk see as ‘real CMSs’. Not least because the other CMS products haven’t stood still.

    I’ve had numerous feedback comments end with ‘well you can use a plugin for that’, but plugins (and themes) come and go … so many of those I used when I started with WordPress 3 years ago have either disappeared completely or haven’t been updated in several years. It isn’t the reliable foundation for a lasting WordPress site that clients expect.

    Yes, I know WordPress is a blogging platform and many of the users are not businesses, but I’m convinced that mix has been changing towards more business orientation even though I’ve never seen any stats about users and sites. With 20%+ of all new sites on WordPress, it has to be business which is driving the increase.

    Were you aware that WordPress 4.0 alpha is available for testing and has been for some time?

    Oh dear … not a proper new version then, just more of the same.

    not a proper new version then

    I think those who are working hard on core development might take exception at that. ??


    I agree with Marcus Cyganiak a better social integration will be great, like embed facebook group on wordpress, i mean sometimes you have a lot a comments on some groups and nothing can appear on the website, i have find one plugin but he’s so heavy that is just impossible.

    An another point is to have a better gallery, something pretty…

    Also a cache, a good cache and finally the editor wp it will be great to have one who has a true pick up color and a font size with px plus font family like verdana etc..

    There are small point but it will really change wordpress in good way

    Moderator James Huff


    Another thing to consider folks, just because you want it WordPress core, doesn’t mean everyone else will.

    For example, “embed facebook group on wordpress,” I highly doubt all of the millions of users of WordPress would want to embed a Facebook group.

    This is why we have plugins, so WordPress can be the best blogging platform/CMS out-of-the-box for most people without being overwhelming, and offer additional plugins for those who want more.

    If the plugin for your desired edge-case feature is no good, considering getting involved with its development, or hire someone to write a better one.

    I’m not sure if progress has been made on any of these fronts, but here are the things I’d most like to see:

    • A sensible way of adding meta boxes to posts/pages/CPTs. This is something that should be as simple as adding a custom post type to implement, and it’s far too complex at the moment to simply add a meta box.
    • Many-to-many post relationships
    • A core method for reordering posts/pages/CTPS. There are several plugins out there that do this well, but this is something that should be part of core. To reorder your CPT, there should be a simple way to enable drag/drop reordering.
    • A better, more fine-grained approach to the content width issue. You should be able to set different content widths for different parts of the site, and beyond that, the implementation of this kind of sucks overall

    Thanks for everything you do, contributors!

    People: Have you considered using https://www.ads-software.com/ideas/

    Most of the suggestions posted in this topic are far too late for WordPress 4.0

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