• Thank you for this excellent plug-in. This is the fourth one I’ve installed, and it’s the one I am keeping.

    As I’ve been working with it, there are a couple of things I suggest for future versions.

    1. Ability to specify the order of the buttons.
    2. Add a “print” capability/icon next to “email”
    3. Add optional intro test (like “Share Now!”) in-line with buttons. I tried the “Share Prefix Markup” and the words appeared left-justified and above the buttons (and I have the buttons centered)

    Overall, excellent, easy to use, and visually appealing. Thank you.


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  • I know it’s a bit undocumented but you can actually use the shortcodes to specify the order of buttons, like:
    [feather_share show=”twitter,mail,google_plus,facebook”]

    The appearance of the “Share Prefix Markup” will really depend a lot on your theme and whether or not you select the “use buttons container”.

    I’ll think about the print button for the future.

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