Yea, I tinkered with a bit in style.css and index.php.
In style.css, everywhere there was a #sidebar, I made two copies and renamed it #sidebarRight and #sidebarLeft. I also played with the column widths: page width = 980px; narrow column width = 460px; each sidebar = 215px. This means if someone views my site in VGA resolution, they will have to scroll to see the whole width. I did not try to tinker with an automatically adjusting width to accommodate different screen sizes. I also instructed sidebarLeft to float left and sidebarRight to float Right.
In index.php, I called <?php get_header(); ?> and <?php get_sidebarLeft(); ?> on the first two lines, and <?php get_sidebarRight(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> on the last two lines.
To make these calls work, I had to define new functions within the theme. I wrestle through that here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/31344. You can model these functions after the get_sidebar() function found in your /wp-includes/template-functions-general.php file.
When the column widths are set properly and they are called in the right order, the columns will float to the correct position. The only time my format fails is when I post a picture that is too wide. Then, the right sidebar will float to the bottom of the page (just above the footer).
I am sure there were other changes I made, but this was the heart of what was required to make the 3 column Kubrick work.
I also am a css novice. I picked up what I needed on the fly from SAMS Teach Yourself CSS in 24 Hours by Kynn Bartlett.