• Have looked all over the net for this issue but mines abit unique.

    Previously i was able to upload GIF images when sized correctly to 100×100.

    All of a sudden now when i upload say an image with the exact size 100×100, wordpress decides to resize it to 100×100 and uploads this 1 frame version.

    It seems like theres an issue with grabing the image size and if correct it shouldn’t resize.

    Could someone help me what went wrong and where ? I don’t think i touched anything in particular than the .htaccess to clear my cache but it is replaced with the original standard codes of it.

    Could someone guide me?

    Thank you so much.

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  • It sounds like it’s ‘resizing’ and grabbing a single frame because you’re posting a Thumbnail image and not the image-image.

    If you specify you want to post the Full Size of the image, you ought to be able to post the animated gif just fine without any resizing to my understanding.

    Does selecting the Full Size option only post a frame versus the entire animated gif?

    Did you change anything in your Media Gallery settings? You know, the ones that you can change when you upload an image?

    I do know that if I save a particular Media Gallery-related setting – for example, I choose no alignment (for alignment), no link (for link to), full size (for size), etc – my WordPress install (or maybe it’s my browser) will remember these settings for me the next time I add an image to another post.

    Maybe clearing your cache affected your settings?


    Thread Starter jayy09


    Thank you for replying so quickly !

    Heres a link of what shows –

    As you can see there are no other options for full size and so on. The problem is that before it was working perfectly fine. When i uploaded a 100 x 100 and set it wordpress didn’t resize it to another gif with the exact same size 100 x 100.

    The only points after hours of looking i can pick out is that a new month folder opened form /3 to /4. The ones uploaded in /3 didn’t have any resizing and work. Any new 100 x 100 gifs uploaded into /4 are resized to 100 x 100 1 frame gifs.

    Thank you once again for taking the time to help.

    Hello again!

    Before the problems happened, did you have the options for Full Size or no? That’s really strange that those options are not available to you.

    Also, did you check your Media settings and did you change anything in the Media settings?

    Edit: Did you do any WordPress-related updates or any plugin updates since then?

    Thread Starter jayy09


    Nope, as the site is custom made.

    And no again the settings are all the same.

    What i also remember i installed but have completely removed manually is W3 Total Cache.

    I wonder if the issue is related to the fact that you used W3 Total Cache.


    Someone else reported some strange issues related to W3 Total Cache and their thumbnails and though it’s not the same as yours, there seems to be an overlap?

    I’m baffled as to why the default Attachment Display Settings completely disappeared from your choices in the Media page that you showed me, but I know that W3 Total Cache affects the handling of website images and so maybe the two are related.

    It’s a shot in the dark for me as I don’t have experience related to that plugin, but I do know that you are for sure missing some options in your menu!

    Thread Starter jayy09


    It seems as W3 Total Cache causes alot of issues hence i have manually deleted it completely off FTP and wordpress.

    Unless it has modified or added some coding im not too sure if it is caused by that.

    Could it be any file permission error?

    I appreciate your help as every bit of information counts.

    It never hurts to check!

    In knowing that you used to use W3 Total Cache, I almost feel like there is still some after-effect going on where images that are uploaded are automatically being ‘shrunk’ and ‘optimized’ down when possible.

    Can you test this by making a test post and uploading a large static image and seeing what happens? Is your Attachment options menu still missing and does it auto-resize your image, still?

    Thread Starter jayy09


    Yes, all images are resized to fit featured images. Any image is automatically resized to fit 100 x 100. The settings i’ve inputted. BUT sizes that are already 100 x 100 should NOT be resized as why would they need to?

    This is how i was able to upload GIFs to featured images by uploading the file size of the featured image size.

    But all of a sudden wordpress has started to resize image sizes fit for the featured image size.
    100×100 images to 100×100
    This isn’t a problem if i was using JPG but for GIFs it loses its animation.

    I don’t feel it has anything to do with attachment options as they were like this prior and before.

    i’ve nailed it down to something to do with –
    The code grabing the image uploaded then checking its size and if its correct it shouldn’t resize but instead now it decides to resize all.
    I’m not sure how the code of this could have changed and i don’t get know what to change for this.

    i know its got to do with get_post_thumbnail or so on but as im not a programmer i can’t seem to fix it !

    Thanks! hope that was clear

    Yes, that was clear; sorry if I misunderstood earlier and I’m sorry if I misunderstand something else.

    I just realized something; if WordPress is processing the image(s) as FEATURED IMAGE(S) then, WordPress automatically ‘grabs’ a static image from the animated gif to use as a Featured Image.

    At least, that is to my knowledge and the workaround for displaying an animated gif as the Feature image is to have it be the first image displayed in the Blog post in question.

    Thread Starter jayy09


    Nono don’t apologize. Im grateful to have you help me.

    Yes that is correct. WordPress automatically grabs a static image unless it is the same size apparently. Well that was the case before when my GIFs uploaded previously through feature images worked.

    The first image displaye din the blog post? what does this mean could you elaborate.

    Thread Starter jayy09


    Think i know the issue.

    How do i prevent wordpress from automatically resizing images for featured images?

    Thread Starter jayy09


    Resolved. Finally.

    This was the issue

    Our functions.php code now looks like this:
    Wordpress simply copys the image and changes the title which is useless and 1framed the gif. Thanks for helping EMG.

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 100, 100, true );
    Obviously, you don’t have to use 100px x 100px, so change the functions parameters to suit your theme layout/design.

    Note that this function does not create a new 100px x 100px version of the Original image on your server – it simply adds height and width attributes of 100px to the IMG tag, which is output by the_post_thumbnail(), and lets the browser do the resizing. This has two major drawbacks: firstly, the Original image could be huge meaning that your page load time will be affected and, secondly, browser resizing rarely creates great looking images.
    If you don’t specify a “post-thumbnail” size using set_post_thumbnail_size(), the Original image will be displayed – which is probably NOT what you want. We’ll look at a better way of handling the display of Featured Images next…

    OMG, I’m glad this got/is getting figured out and thank you for updating the thread and you’re very welcome! I was really scratching my head over this so I’m even happier that you posted your results and findings.

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