• Selecting an image in the uploader and inserting in a post always sets the src link pointing to the original size image file, not the thumbnail or medium resolution file as selected via the radio button:

    <img class=”alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-5″ title=”Ein Bild” src=”https://<MY_WEBSITE>/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/einbild.jpg&#8221; alt=”” />

    However, the class information shows that thumbnail size was correctly selected. The Thumbnail file does exist (named “einbild-150×150.jpg”), and there have been no errors during the upload/resize process before.

    I already made a new, completely fresh wp 2.5 install with default theme to test this, but the problem remains. Even setting directory and file permissions to 777 for wp-content and below does not change this behavior.

    Anybody else here with this problem – or a solution?

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  • I noticed myself that there can be cases when the thumbnails are not created – this occurred for me on two images I uploaded.

    To fix this,

    1. I downloaded a copy of the image first.

    2. The in wordpress I removed the uploaded image using the image uploader.

    3. I opened the orignal image on my pc in a picture editor and saved it (did not make any changes to it).

    4. I reuploaded the image to wp and this time it created the thumbnails.

    So my suspcions is that there are some images for whatever reason fail in wordpress.

    The other problem in Wp 2.6 is that in no longer creates thumbnails as with .thumbnail in the filename – think it did the same in wp 2.5.1

    So when you link images it will no longer appending size of actual thumbnail to the end of the thumnail images.

    You also have to be careful if you are using custom image folders – you must specify the url location of your custom folder in the settings.

    In fact the problem for me was pretty annoying as I had my own little random image gallery plugin which completely broke when I moved to wp 2.5.1 and 2.6 in particular – because it could not pick up thumbnails any longer.

    The problem might be in the IMAGE ITSELF. I’m not a photoshop guru, but one of my photographers explained to me that even if ONE marker is messed up when manipulating the image (before you upload), it will not show on the web.

    Let’s try the most obvious first- CMYK images do not show, only RGB. Check your image if it is in the CMYK format or in RGB. CMYK is standard format for the print industry, and a lot of big companies still send their images in CMYK format so that it can be used both online and print without a lot of hassle.

    Second, try to make another copy of the image, as in when in photoshop or any image editor actually save a copy then resave. Hopefully, it will solve the problem.

    Hope this helps.

    Here’s a fix for the podpress I found on their site


    Beginning at line 423:

    function podPress_wp_get_attachment_metadata($data, $id=”) {
    if(is_feed()) {
    return ”;
    } else {
    return $file;

    Change to:

    function podPress_wp_get_attachment_metadata($data, $id=”) {
    if(is_feed()) {
    return ”;
    } else {
    return $data;

    I had the same problem with a certain image being placed on a page at full-resolution even though the thumbnail appeared to exist. Other images worked fine. I solved the problem by using Photoshop’s Save for Web function to save a copy of the image. I’m not sure what about the original image was messing things up. (It wasn’t a CMYK for example.) It was an ordinary jpg as far as I could tell.

    The podpress fix fixed the issue. I’m VERY happy to see my thumbnails finally return.

    I have the same problem, the thumbnails are created but they are not shown up in the gallery, I run WordPress 2.6.2, it works fine on localhost, not on the remote server, it seems that the -150×150 part of the code is missing in the html.
    Any ideas to solve this bug?

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