• Resolved vcb


    Is it possible to link thumbnails instead of the feature fullsize image?
    < !– wp:post-featured-image {“isLink”:true,”width”:”100%”,”height”:”max(15vw, 30vh)”,”align”:”wide”} /– >

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    You can change the layout on archive pages by going to:

    Appearance > Editor > Templates > Archive.

    From there, select the Featured Image block and set the dimensions you wish.

    More info:


    Dimension Settings Overview

    If you get stuck, please share screenshots of the front and back ends.

    Thread Starter vcb


    Thanks you Kathryn. This isn’t what I’m looking for.

    Do you know how to adjust the image size via code?
    Example code from the template:
    < !– wp:post-featured-image? … –>
    I’d like to use the thumbnail instead; but without using the visual editor at all, if possible. ty

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Block code isn’t meant to be edited manually like that, you can break the whole block pretty easily that way. May I ask why you don’t want to use the built-in settings? They’re meant to make things easier. ??

    Thread Starter vcb


    this might be true for the first time user, but for people working with wordpress since 10+years it’s always a 100% headache when someone changes course and direction …

    It’s been always a hustle; and i don’t see any way out.
    code = true;

    Thanks for pointing it out that it might break the whole thing, figured a workaround by now. So I’m set to work in code and push it back and forth.

    But where can I change the image size to use thumbnail size? Don’t you have some dev-manual where I can find these infos? Thanks for helping out.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    I think the safest way to do this would be to create a custom template just for experimentation.

    In that template, edit the featured-image size in the editor, setting it to the size you prefer, with the unit you prefer.

    Note that if you toggle the three dots next to “Dimensions” to show “Image size,” you will see a “thumbnail” option you can select. I don’t recommend choosing that, as your image may look blurry, depending on the final size you’re outputting. That said, feel free to experiment to get the effect you want.

    Once you get things how you want, copy-paste the code directly into your “real” Archive template.

    Don’t you have some dev-manual where I can find these infos?

    The block editor handbook for developers is here:


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