• Resolved Joseph G.


    Hi, Jacob.

    Whenever I turn off the thumbnail II-D8 (Popup name -Display Thubnail name on popup), the thumbnail itself disappears.

    (Also, might notice the misspelling in the above description taken from the Settings UI: “Thubnail”.)

    Here is an example: https://findsecondshooters.com/secondshooter/suzieb

    Click the “Gallery” tab and then “View 4 Photos”. (Perhaps you will also from this implementation why I ask to have full circle navigation in the other post/question (from today).

    Thanks, as always, and hope all is well, Jacob.


    Ps. If you need another user account, please let me know. Thnx! ??


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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    https://findsecondshooters.com/secondshooter/suzieb gives on the page: Content not found, and there is no Gallery tab.

    Ps. If you need another user account, please let me know. Thnx! ??

    Do i have one?

    Thread Starter Joseph G.


    Yes, sorry, I altered the URL in testing a new function, but it’s back now, so the link should work.

    You did have one! ?? I will add and email you a password. ??

    Thanks, Jacob. ??

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Whenever I turn off the thumbnail II-D8 (Popup name -Display Thubnail name on popup), the thumbnail itself disappears.

    Not by me ( firefox ) What browser do you use? Chrome? I fixed that in 6.1.8, you are running 6.1.7. See https://wppa.opajaap.nl/changelog/ :

    Thumbnail popup did not work properly on chrome browser on certain themes. Fixed.

    Please report problems on the current version only.

    Thread Starter Joseph G.


    Thanks, Jacob.

    In short: sorry, updated, works (on Chrome).

    I apologize, as I had the updates turned off. I have given this plugin a shot for the site, but cannot do updates, as I have to customize too many aspects and the updates make it impractical with said changes.

    Live and learn… and have learned a lot going through this with your plugin.

    Thanks, again, Jacob!

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