• when i upload an image i have the choice of cropping it for thumbnail use.
    I crop it at 150×150 and it doesn’t get saved.
    i think its because a 150×150 has already been created because my loop calls for post_thumbnail(‘thumbnail’);

    the only way to get it to save my version is to make a crop at 151×151 and then it makes a 3rd file.

    why can’t it just save over the old thumbnail version?

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  • Thread Starter Eric


    so… can I bump?

    what I want basically is if I upload a picture for my featured posts at 300×200
    I should be able to decide how it crops it for the 150×150 thumbs for the regular posts. not it doing it automatically and terribly

    Shamai – you are not very clear. I take it you want to have two thumbnail sizes – one for the featured image and other remaining at 150×150.

    First open up your themes function file and find where the the thumbnail size is set. Something like this:

    if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) {
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );

    If already not added add this:

    set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, false);


    add_image_size( ‘featured_thumb’, 300, 200);

    Then go to where your loop is calling the thumbnail:

    and replace it with – something like:


    Also you can set the general post thumbnail size from settings > media

    Thread Starter Eric


    I was using the_post_thumbnail(‘thumbnail’)
    and I set it in settings > media to 150px

    I also am using the_post_thumbnail(‘medium’) for my featured.
    But when i upload an image at 300 by 200, it automatically makes a shrunk version of my original to use as a thumb. and I want to be able to override it and crop it my own way for the thumb.

    Thread Starter Eric


    here is my website

    notice the featured image is 300×200
    if you click the posts you will see it as thumbnail size -except its not right. its smaller than thumbnail size. under media settings I set it to be 150×150 with crop turned on.

    what am I doing wrong for this not to work?

    Thread Starter Eric


    it automatically takes my 300px by 200px and creates a 150px by 100px.
    its not cropping and I can’t override the crop when editing the image in wordpress under library

    Thread Starter Eric


    ok so i found that 300×200 is just not cropping well into 150px it somehow doesn’t get cropped.

    but if I upload a larger image it does get cropped? and the result is a thumbnail at 150px

    if I crop for thumbnail it creates a new file and doesn’t overwrite the original thumbnail which is annoying and I end up with 3 files

    Thread Starter Eric


    i discovered a problem i think.
    I had two thumbnail sizes. thumbnail and medium.
    I was uploading images at a perfect medium size so it wasn’t auto creating the medium size and I thinks somehow this affected the thumb size which was created uncropped.

    i got rid of the medium size and now it created a good cropped thumbnail.

    what sucks is that I can’t really overwrite that thumbnail, I can only create another one.
    if I do that I end up having 3 files in my uploads folder and of course int he library you only see one.

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