• Resolved tessgeos


    Hi my blog page need thumbnail in specific size.
    Please let me know how I can do that and if it;s a shortcode where do I add those lets say thumnail size required for feature image is 300×200.

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  • Plugin Support Vytis


    Hi @tessgeos,

    Are you using Feedzy to import items as posts to your WordPress or are you using a shortcode/widget to show items?

    If you’re using Feedzy to import posts then your theme is responsible for how images appear on the blog page (they appear the same way as those posts that you create manually).

    If you’re using a shortcode – here is our documentation – https://docs.themeisle.com/article/1130-how-to-use-feedzy-with-a-shortcode

    You can use the size option to define the size of the thumbnail – https://vertis.d.pr/oQuyFF

    I hope it helps!

    The size option for the shortcode only sets width & height size attributes on the images. Can you have Feedzy pull a different thumbnail size? Medium, Large, or a custom thumbnail size?




    Hello @wp-wheez ,

    You should be able to change that by applying the below code:

    function bweb_feedzy_thumb_aspect_ratio( $sizes, $feedURL ) {
        $sizes = array( 
            'width' => $sizes['width'] * (16/9), 
            'height' => $sizes['height']
        return $sizes;
    add_filter( 'feedzy_thumb_sizes', 'bweb_feedzy_thumb_aspect_ratio', 10, 2 );

    In order to apply this change you also need to follow the steps enuntiated here at the top of the page.

    Thank you and have an amazing day!

    Hey Mat,
    What values is the filter looking for? I tried passing a WP thumbnail size such as ‘large’ but that has not effect. I thought it was odd that height and width are 2 different values so I tried passing numerical values which also has no effect.

    I’m using Feedzy through a shortcode and adding filters through my functions.php file. Other Feedzy filters are working fine.




    Hello @wp-wheez ,

    You don’t have to input any changes in the above code. The function uses the sizes of image rendered by the feed itself and change it according to the 16/9 aspect ratio.

    Can you please share the Feed URL with us so we can further check?

    Thank you!



    Hello @wp-wheez ,

    I came back with something that might just do the trick. First, you would need to create a new image size using this https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/add_image_size/.
    Afterward, you would need to insert the below code

    function bweb_feedzy_insert_thumbnail_RSS( $content ) {
         global $post;
         if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ){
              //You can change the image size with any thumbnail size available on the blog you are using this function.
              $content = '' . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'medium' ) . '' . $content;
         return $content;
    //Remove the default function from the filter
    remove_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'feedzy_insert_thumbnail_RSS' );
    remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'feedzy_insert_thumbnail_RSS' );
    //Add the new function to the filter
    add_filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'bweb_feedzy_insert_thumbnail_RSS' );
    add_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'bweb_feedzy_insert_thumbnail_RSS' );

    The last step is to download the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin and regenerate the thumbnails.

    Let us know if this worked for you!

    Thank you and have an amazing day!

    Hey Mat,
    Your last post is what I ended up doing and it works. You beat me back to the post.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by wp-wheez.


    Hello @wp-wheez ,

    I’m glad we could make this work!

    Have an amazing day!

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